[Abstract]:In order to study the settlement and deformation characteristics of roadbed in permafrost region of Daxing'anling in Northeast China, the typical section of accompanying road in forest area of Sino-Russian crude oil pipeline (Mohe-Daqing) is selected, and the settlement monitoring equipment adopts stratified settler. Through the change of magnetic ring position on the settlement pipe to track and observe the subgrade settlement change, the DS18B20 temperature sensor is used as the temperature acquisition unit, and the temperature monitoring system is set up to monitor the ground temperature change caused by the road construction in permafrost. The upper limit of frozen soil and the settlement of roadbed are studied by laboratory test. The results show that in the two years after the completion of the project, the soil temperature is raised and the frozen soil is degraded, and the upper limit of the frozen soil is moved down because of the subgrade fill cover. Seasonal active layer compression and permafrost thawing compression are the main deformation sources of roadbed settlement in permafrost regions, and the proportion of deformation caused by permafrost thawing compression is the largest. It accounts for 50% of the total settlement, the subgrade settlement is obviously caused by the thawing layer compression in August and November each year. In December, with the freezing of the thawed layer and the upper limit of frozen soil moving up and stabilizing, the subgrade settlement begins to slow down. The thawing development of subgrade has a certain aspect of slope. In a freeze-thaw cycle period, the thawing time of permafrost under the overcast slope is about 30 days less than that of the sunny slope, and the settlement of the subgrade on the sunny slope is larger than that on the shady slope, and under the same conditions, The thawing compression deformation of frozen soil with high ice content is larger than that of low ice content frozen soil, and the embankment with filling height more than 3m increases the thawing compression deformation of frozen soil with the increase of filling height. The results can provide a theoretical reference for the analysis of highway and subgrade settlement and deformation in permafrost region of Daxing'anling Mountains.
【作者单位】: 东北林业大学土木工程学院;
【基金】:黑龙江省水利科技项目(SGZL/KY-01) 大庆油田有限责任公司重点科研项目(2013022411)
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