[Abstract]:In recent years, China has carried out widening and rebuilding projects on many expressways, and found that there are common problems of differential settlement of new and old subgrade, which have caused more diseases and seriously affected the structural and functional requirements of roads. Although differential settlement is inevitable after highway reconstruction and extension, we can adopt certain methods to reduce the differential settlement of roadbed, which is mainly caused by the excessive settlement of the new road foundation. Therefore, it is necessary to study the subgrade differential settlement and its control technology. In this paper, the application of cement mixing pile and CFG pile in the reconstruction and extension project of Jianxin Expressway is taken as the turning point, the application and effect of composite foundation in the reconstruction and extension project are studied, and the high filling soft foundation is also studied. In order to control the settlement and analyze the settlement law of the new subgrade, the settlement of the bridge and culvert subgrade, which is easy to produce great difference settlement, is monitored, and the settlement after construction of the new roadbed is predicted and studied accurately by the method of curve fitting. The main contents are as follows: (1) the application of cement mixing pile and CFG pile in the project is briefly introduced, and the construction technology of the CFG pile in the reconstruction and extension project of the Jiaxin Expressway is introduced. Based on the analysis of a large number of post-construction test data of cement mixing pile and CFG pile, the control factors to ensure the construction quality are obtained. (2) a large number of deformation observation equipment, such as settlement plate, cross-section pipe and inclined pipe, are arranged in the reconstruction and extension project of Jianxin Expressway. The observation data are analyzed in detail. It is concluded that the settlement of the new subgrade is greatly different from that of the previous theoretical research because of the influence of various factors on the settlement of the new subgrade. Because of the complexity of the actual construction process, it is impossible to judge the treated section of composite foundation according to the settlement size. (3) it is analyzed that the treated section of composite foundation and untreated section of composite foundation have better improvement effect than that of untreated section of foundation treatment. Cumulative sedimentation time curve, It is concluded that the composite foundation can make subgrade settlement faster and more stable. According to the cumulative settlement-time curve of the hard shoulder of the old road, it is found that the settlement of the hard shoulder of the old road increases obviously when the new roadbed is filled, and the settlement begins to settle and tends to stabilize slowly after the completion of the filling, and this phenomenon is analyzed. But the final settlement is smaller than the new subgrade settlement. (4) the settlement observation is to control the construction quality of the subgrade and predict the post-construction settlement according to certain mathematical methods. This paper analyzes the finite element method, the dynamic prediction method and the curve fitting method with reference to a lot of data. It is found that the curve fitting method is more suitable and convenient to be used in this paper, and the prediction result is more ideal.
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