[Abstract]:With the rapid growth of national economy and the accelerating process of urbanization, the comprehensive strength of Huangdao District has been significantly enhanced, and the number of motor vehicles has been increasing continuously. In addition, since Qingdao port moved the foreign trade container route westward to Qianwan port of Huangdao in 2002, the cargo throughput of Huangdao port accounts for a large proportion of the total cargo volume of Qingdao port, and the average annual growth rate is very fast. The rapid growth of economy and the rapid development of ports have brought severe challenges to the traffic in Huangdao District. The dynamic traffic load is increasing, traffic congestion occurs in local sections and some intersections during peak hours, and the static traffic problems are becoming more and more prominent. Due to the contradiction of parking supply and demand, the parking chaos has appeared, and the parking of trucks is in a state of disorder, which seriously affects the image of the city and the life of the citizens. The problem of "parking difficulty" has aroused the attention of all circles of the society. This paper investigates the current parking problems in Huangdao District and summarizes the nine problems in the parking situation of Huangdao District by analyzing the current parking supply situation: parking lot planning, construction, parking, parking and parking, The management does not have the strong government department to carry on the system supervision; the passenger transport parking space quantity is insufficient especially in the city center area and the future potential demand is huge; the freight vehicle parking space is scarce the vehicle random parking disturbance city traffic order; The lack of bus stop facilities, serious parking on the road; important tourist attractions in the peak season parking problem prominent, especially in large-scale activities parking problem to be solved; parking is free, there is no means to control parking demand; Some building construction standards are on the low side, especially in urban centers and some residential areas; the utilization rate of existing parking facilities is on the low side, and some parking lots are used for other purposes; the technical level of parking management is not high, The lack of parking guidance system and parking fee system reduces the efficiency of parking lot. Based on the nine problems faced by parking in Huangdao District, based on the analysis of the factors affecting the demand and demand prediction of all kinds of public parking lots in Huangdao District, this paper draws lessons from the planning and design experience of the public parking lot in domestic and foreign cities. Based on the indexes of parking allocation in Qingdao, this paper puts forward the construction index and layout plan of Huangdao district public parking area from five levels: passenger car park, freight car park, public transportation parking lot, traffic hub parking lot and temporary parking lot. The research results provide valuable experience for the planning and construction of public parking lots in other cities at home and abroad.
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