[Abstract]:Railway is one of the most important basic transportation facilities in China and plays a very important role in the transportation system. Due to the rapid development of China's economic system in recent years, high-speed railway has entered a period of rapid construction. The use of large-section and super-section tunnels in the mountain and high-speed railway section is particularly prominent. Due to its large excavation span, complex construction procedure, multiple disturbances to surrounding rock and complex stress on rock and soil, reasonable excavation method and real-time monitoring of lining deformation are the key to ensure tunnel safe construction. In this paper, based on the construction of Duli tunnel of Xi'an Chengdu railway passenger dedicated line, through theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and field monitoring, the construction scheme of Deli tunnel is determined and its stability is evaluated. On the basis of consulting relevant documents, this paper analyzes the research progress of large-section tunnel and super-section tunnel at home and abroad, and grasps the relationship between the stress, deformation and settlement of surrounding rock of large-section tunnel under different working conditions. In view of the actual situation of Deli tunnel project, two kinds of construction schemes are preliminarily selected, and a two-dimensional numerical model is established, and two different construction schemes are numerically analyzed and calculated. Based on the results of two-dimensional numerical calculation, three-dimensional numerical simulation analysis is carried out for different construction methods. By comparing the stress, deformation, settlement, economy and timeliness of the tunnel surrounding rock and supporting structure under various working conditions, the construction scheme of shallow buried tunnel with super large section is optimized. Field monitoring is carried out on the construction of Deli tunnel, which includes stress monitoring of steel arch frame, axial force monitoring of anchor rod, monitoring of surrounding rock pressure, monitoring of deep displacement of surrounding rock, monitoring of pressure between lining and settlement of tunnel, etc. Through the analysis of monitoring data and three-dimensional numerical simulation data, the stability of tunnel is evaluated and analyzed. This paper provides a theoretical basis for the safe construction of Deli tunnel, and the research method of this paper can be used for reference in the selection of construction scheme and the evaluation of stability of super-large section tunnel.
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