[Abstract]:In order to accurately analyze the static and dynamic responses of steel-concrete composite beams, based on the contact theory and the basic idea of finite element method, the reasonable displacement function of composite beam elements is proposed. The stiffness equation of composite beam considering shear-slip effect is derived, and combining with the classical theory of dynamics, the calculation method of natural frequency and vibration mode of composite beam considering the shear slip effect at interface is given under the condition of undamped state. The deflection of steel-concrete simply supported composite beam under vertical load and the distribution of shear slip strain difference at interface along the beam length are analyzed through a concrete example, and the results are compared with the experimental results. The results show that the finite element solution is basically consistent with the experimental results, which indicates that the finite element solution is reasonable and reliable. Based on the classical dynamic theory and the stiffness matrix mentioned above, the frequency and mode shape of composite beam considering shear slip effect are calculated and compared with the results of complete interaction. It is shown that the influence of shear slip should be taken into account in the calculation of dynamic response, which provides a reliable theoretical calculation method for practical engineering design.
【作者单位】: 吉林建筑大学交通科学与工程学院;长春建筑学院交通学院;吉林大学交通学院;
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