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发布时间:2018-10-14 19:38
[Abstract]:With the development of highway network system in China, the number of routes crossing is increasing day by day. Expressway usually passes through bridge or box culvert when crossing existing highway. When the bridge is used to cross the existing highway, the construction technology is relatively complex, the construction personnel and machinery are numerous, the risk factors are also increasing, and the construction management is more difficult. In the process of construction, we should not only pay attention to the safety management of the crossing bridge itself, but also pay attention to the safety management of the highway to be delivered, especially the interchange with the main traffic main road, so that there are more hidden dangers in the construction safety. Based on the identification of the risk events and risk factors in the construction of the cross bridge and the intersected highway, this paper studies the safety evaluation problems in the construction process of the cross bridge and the crossing operation highway, and relies on the Hengshui North Interchange of Xingheng Expressway. The application effect of entropy measurement method and analytic hierarchy process in safety risk assessment is compared and analyzed. The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1. The risk identification and collapse of the B ramp bridge of Hengshui North Interchange in Xingheng Expressway are carried out by using the work risk decomposition method. High altitude fall, object strike, support instability, fire electric shock, mechanical injury are cross bridge risk events; 2, through expert investigation, the loss grade and probability of risk factors of each risk event of cross bridge and the road being crossed are obtained. The evaluation matrix is constructed according to the evaluation value of the risk factor of the risk event, and the evaluation value of the risk factor of the risk event is constructed according to the evaluation value of the expert, and the evaluation matrix is constructed according to the evaluation value of the risk factor of the event. The method of entropy measurement is used to evaluate the safety of the risk event. 4. The safety assessment of cross bridge and intersected highway is carried out by AHP, and the result is consistent with that of entropy measurement. Entropy measurement method is not affected by the individual subjective influence in the evaluation process, and the result is more objective.


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