[Abstract]:China's economy has been developing, the society is also making progress, the people's living standards are improving day by day. With the satisfaction of basic needs such as food and clothing, people gradually derive other levels of demand, such as tourism demand. With the rapid development of urbanization in China, urban tourism has gradually become the pillar of tourism, and people pay more and more attention to it. As the basic key part of urban tourism, urban tourism traffic refers to the traffic involved in all aspects of the tourism process. It takes tourists as the main transport object, so that the tourists closely related to the tourism between the tourist source and destination. There is a spatial displacement between the tourist activity places in the tourist destination, so as to realize the normal tourism activity. As an important part of urban tourism, urban tourism traffic plays an important role in the development of urban tourism. Therefore, this paper starts with the study of urban tourism transportation at home and abroad, and selects several key issues to be studied in this paper. Through combing the components of urban tourism traffic, formulating its development goals and further discussing its development strategy to analyze the problems of urban tourism traffic development; This paper studies the problems of urban tourism traffic forecasting by analyzing the factors affecting the demand of urban tourism traffic and arranging the theory and method of forecasting it, and comprehensively considers various factors when studying the mode of urban tourism traffic organization. Put forward the mode of "public transportation of tourist bus / private car passenger distribution center", from the traffic route, distribution, transfer center, road system, entrance and exit, parking lot, This paper studies the optimal allocation of urban tourism transportation system from these aspects. Finally, the results of the above research are applied to the traffic planning of 5A class tourist attractions in Pingle Ancient Town, Qionglai City, Sichuan Province.
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