[Abstract]:With the rapid growth of the national economy and the acceleration of the pace of urbanization, traffic congestion is called the traffic normal of modern cities. Subway traffic has become the first choice to solve the problem of urban traffic congestion because of its characteristics of large number of passengers and not occupying ground space. As the main construction method in urban subway construction, shield tunneling will inevitably disturb the surrounding rock mass and cause surface deformation. If the local surface deformation is too large, it may endanger the safety of the ground buildings above the tunnel. Causing serious economic losses and social impacts. Therefore, it is imperative to study the protective measures when shield tunnel passes through existing buildings. In this paper, the construction process of building foundation under two different working conditions before and after grouting reinforcement is simulated by finite element software ABAQUS. The results are as follows: finite element software ABAQUS is used to simulate the excavation process of the tunnel before grouting reinforcement. Through the analysis of the simulation results, it is concluded that the transverse settlement curve of the building foundation is normal distribution, which accords with the classical Peck settlement curve. The settlement at each point on the central axis of the tunnel is the largest, and the farther away from the tunnel axis, the smaller the settlement value. The diachronic settlement curve of building foundation is analyzed, and it is concluded that the foundation has experienced small settlement (uplift) stage, settlement surge stage and settlement stabilization stage successively. The maximum settlement value and local inclination value of the foundation exceed the allowable value, and the building may be destroyed. In order to prevent the ground building from being destroyed, the foundation grouting reinforcement method is adopted. The finite element software ABAQUS is used to simulate the tunnel excavation after grouting. The results of field monitoring and numerical simulation are compared and analyzed. It is concluded that the settlement trend is basically the same, which proves the feasibility and reliability of the numerical simulation. The results show that the maximum settlement value and local tilt value of the foundation after grouting reinforcement are smaller than those before reinforcement and are smaller than those of the control value. Therefore, grouting reinforcement of building foundation is a feasible and effective protection measure.
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