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发布时间:2018-10-19 12:02
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid and stable development of the national economy, highways all over China have been developed rapidly. The total mileage of expressway in our country has already ranked the second in the world, and has made such brilliant achievements, at the same time, there are many problems along with it. At present, many highways in China have been faced with the problem of reconstruction and extension. The purpose of highway reconstruction and extension is to facilitate the passage of vehicles, and the ultimate purpose of highway construction is to provide safe, convenient and unblocked roads for the society. During the period of reconstruction and extension, the operation and management of expressway is carried out as usual. Because of the particularity of the construction of expressway reconstruction and extension project, its construction safety management is worth studying. Based on this, this paper studies the construction safety management of expressway reconstruction and extension project. The main research contents are as follows: (1) on the basis of reading a lot of literature, The present situation and existing problems of the construction safety management of expressway reconstruction and extension at home and abroad are summarized. (2) the related concepts and theoretical basis of expressway reconstruction and extension project and construction safety management are summarized. This paper mainly applies the system theory to the study of construction safety management of expressway reconstruction and extension project. (3) it introduces the particularity of expressway reconstruction and extension project and its reconstruction and extension mode, as well as the factors influencing the selection of reconstruction and extension mode. It is also the focus of this paper to provide scientific theoretical basis for the selection of reconstruction and extension mode. (4) the analysis of construction safety management of expressway reconstruction and extension project is also the focus of this paper. This paper mainly analyzes the safety management of expressway reconstruction and extension project from the system point of view, including: the organization of safety management system, the management of safety objects, the safety policy and goal, Safety production management system and emergency management of emergencies and other issues. In addition, traffic organization safety management is analyzed. AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method are used to evaluate the safety management. (5) combined with the Qingyin Expressway Reconstruction and extension Project, the safety management of the expressway reconstruction and extension project is analyzed concretely. Put forward measures for safety management of expressway reconstruction and extension project. Through the research, this paper hopes to make a positive and beneficial exploration for guiding the construction units to improve the safety management level of the expressway reconstruction and extension construction, and put forward the corresponding measures for the construction safety management of the expressway reconstruction and extension. At the same time, it can provide valuable reference for the construction safety management of the whole project.


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