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发布时间:2018-10-26 06:54
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the pace of urban construction and the blowout growth of car usage, urban traffic congestion and air pollution are becoming more and more serious. The urban traffic system is in urgent need of a large volume of transportation. Green and environmental-friendly new forms of transportation to alleviate urban traffic problems. The new type of modern tram has the advantages of fast speed, large capacity, green environment, etc. It has become one of the effective ways to solve urban traffic problems. At present, the foreign research on modern tram system has achieved fruitful results. In contrast, the modern tram is still in the initial stage of development in China, so there is less research on its system, especially the operation management system. Because of the difference of the operating environment and the current situation of the tram, the management and control mode of the operation management system is also very different. Therefore, the study of its operation management system has great significance. Based on the research of the modern tram system at home and abroad, this paper makes a detailed theoretical research and technical analysis on the operation management system according to the specific operating environment and operation line. On the basis of theoretical research and combined with its technical characteristics, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the key technologies of the operation management system, makes a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the functions of the operation management system, and puts forward the system function, interface and communication design scheme. The structure of the system is designed. Through the method of model modeling and software simulation, the system function modules are divided, the software simulation environment is built, and the preparation for software simulation is made. The specific contents are as follows: first, a detailed theoretical and technical analysis of the modern tram operation and management system has been made, according to the system functional requirements and organizational structure, from the line set, The system operation is planned and designed from three aspects: distribution line and operation organization. The train positioning system, communication system and interface are analyzed and designed. On this basis, the overall hardware structure design scheme of the system is put forward. Secondly, the control function of the modern tram operation management system on the main line turnout section under the central control mode is studied. From the aspects of communication interface principle, hardware connection, communication mode selection and communication protocol formulation, the design scheme of communication interface between operation management center and main line switch controller is put forward. Thirdly, the system software simulation environment is built, and the use case diagram, class diagram and the state diagram of the key parts of the operation management simulation system are established by using the unified modeling language (UML). The software simulation of each function module of modern tram is realized by software simulation method. Finally, on the basis of the simulation platform, the software test of the modern tram operation management system and other subsystems is carried out. The test results show that the simulation results meet the functional requirements of the modern tram operation management system to a certain extent. The expected effect has been achieved.


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