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发布时间:2018-11-10 09:50
[Abstract]:Prestressed bridge is considered to have good durability because it can work without cracks. In the past, the durability of prestressed bridge is often neglected. However, in fact, the durability of prestressed bridges will also occur. The characteristics of prestressed bridges determine the sudden failure of the bridge and the more serious consequences of failure. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the durability of prestressed bridges. Chloride ion erosion is one of the main factors leading to the durability of concrete structures. This paper mainly studies the durability of prestressed bridges from chloride ion erosion. The study of chloride ion erosion model of prestressed bridge usually starts with the influence of load on the permeability of concrete. At present, most scholars get the empirical formula of the influence of load on chloride ion transmission based on the test results. Few scholars have studied deeply in theory to explain the mechanism of the influence of load on the microstructure of concrete and then to establish a modified model or correction coefficient of the effect of load on chloride ion transport. In this paper, the influence of load on concrete pore structure is analyzed, and the chloride erosion model suitable for prestressed bridge is established. The salt spray erosion test of the concrete trabeculae under load condition was carried out to verify the reliability of the established model. The main contents and conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the mechanism of carbonation on chloride ion transport is studied and a modified model of carbonation on chloride diffusion coefficient is established. (2) the change of pore structure is the essence of load changing the permeability of concrete. The change of pore structure includes elastic deformation and damage. Based on this, the strain of concrete is considered. Modification of chloride ion diffusion coefficient of damage and porosity; (3) on the basis of the existing research results and combined with the influence mechanism of load action on chloride ion diffusion, the chloride ion erosion model of prestressed bridge is established. (4) load action, carbonation effect, chloride ion diffusion coefficient, The water diffusivity is related to the porosity of concrete, and then the coupling relationship between them is established. (5) the salt fog erosion test of concrete trabeculae under loading condition was carried out, and the finite element software was used to establish the model for theoretical solution. By comparing the test results with the chloride erosion model of prestressed bridge, the results were well correlated.


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