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发布时间:2018-11-12 10:48
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the construction of national transportation infrastructure, the number and scale of large and complex bridges are increasing day by day. However, the problems in the construction of large bridges are also gradually emerging. In the process of bridge construction, the line shape of the structure is changing in every construction stage, and the stress on each part of the structure is also changing. The construction control of large complex bridges is an important link in connection design and construction, and it is also a difficult task in the construction of large complex bridges. The construction process control quality of large complex bridges plays a decisive role in the state of bridge construction and the quality of construction. In this paper, the project background is the cable-stayed bridge with the prestressed concrete tower, which is the largest span in China, which is called "the cable-stayed bridge of the South-to-North Water transfer Project", which spans the main trunk canal of the main channel of the South-to-North Water transfer Project (hereinafter referred to as the "South-to-North Water transfer Cable-Stayed Bridge"). Tracking the whole construction process of the bridge, aiming at the construction quality of the main pier cap, girder, stay cable and cable tower of the bridge, so as to guide the construction of the bridge. The main research contents are as follows: (1) the significance of construction process control of large and complex bridges is expounded, and the development of cable-stayed bridges and low-tower cable-stayed bridges and their representative bridges are summarized and summarized respectively. This paper also analyzes the present situation of the research on the quality control of mass concrete construction and the superstructure control theory of large and complex bridges, especially cable-stayed bridges. (2) the size of the main pier cap and the concrete mix ratio of the cable-stayed bridge of South-to-North Water transfer Project are analyzed. Based on the proposed construction method and cold pipe location, a finite element model based on hydration heat analysis is established, and the distribution of temperature field and stress field in different periods is analyzed. At the same time, the representative nodes are selected to investigate the temperature difference between inside and outside, the stress and the allowable tensile stress intensity development trend of special position after the completion of mass concrete cap construction, and to judge the development of cracks. The sensitivity of mass concrete temperature field and stress field distribution to pouring temperature, convection boundary condition and cooling water velocity of cold pipe is studied and analyzed. (3) the finite element simulation model of South-to-North Water transfer Cable-Stayed Bridge is established. According to the proposed construction organization design, the maximum cantilever state, the side span closure, the middle span closure and so on are selected. The simulation results of the internal force, stress, deformation, displacement of the cable tower and cable force of the cable are emphatically analyzed. According to the results of finite element simulation analysis, the vertical formwork elevation of each section of main girder is provided, which provides theoretical basis and guidance for construction control. (4) the adaptive control theory is applied to the construction control of the upper structure of the cable-stayed bridge of South-to-North Water transfer Project. The specific monitoring program is established and implemented, including linear monitoring, stress monitoring, temperature monitoring and so on. The specific implementation methods for each monitoring content are given. (5) according to the parameter identification part of the adaptive construction control theory, the different identification methods and their principles are introduced, and the comparison is made. Finally, the neural network is selected as the parameter identification method in the adaptive construction control of the bridge, and a three-layer BP neural network model is designed, which is trained and verified by the training sample data and the identification sample data. The results show that the error result of parameter identification of the cable-stayed bridge of South-to-North Water transfer using BP neural network is within the acceptable range, which indicates the feasibility of using the designed BP neural network.


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