[Abstract]:With the increasing traffic volume, the requirements of asphalt pavement are becoming higher and higher. Because of the excellent performance of modified asphalt, it is widely used in the world. Direct coal liquefaction residue (DCLR) is a by-product of coal liquefaction process. It is similar to Trinidad Lake bitumen (TLA) in material composition and properties. The quantity of modified bitumen is smaller than that of TLA.. Using DCLR as asphalt modifier can not only make full use of liquefied residue, but also solve the environmental problems caused by it. In this paper, (HS), asphaltene (A), pre-asphaltene (PA) was prepared by step extraction of DCLR, and the performance of modified asphaltene was detected by adding three modifiers to petroleum asphalt. It is concluded that when the amount of HS is 4, the performance of modified asphalt conforms to the standard of ASTM D5710-95 40-55 of the United States. When PA is added, the three indexes of modified asphalt can not meet the standard at the same time. In addition, the model compounds of n-dodecane, n-eicosane, naphthalene and pyrene were selected as asphalt modifiers. The properties of modified asphalt were increased with the increase of modifier, and the ductility decreased first and then increased. Some properties of DCLR and modified asphalt were determined by thermogravimetric analysis (TG), TG-FTIR,FTIR) and fluorescence microscope. The trend of thermogravimetric loss and weight loss rate curve of seven modified asphalt and petroleum asphalt is the same, and the weight loss rate of modified asphalt is smaller than that of petroleum asphalt, but the difference is not significant. In the infrared spectra of all bitumen pyrolytic gases, there are absorption peaks in 3500-4000cm-1, which proves that H2O is produced in pyrolytic gases, and methane vibrates at 3015 cm-1. 2290-2400cm-1 is the vibrational absorption peak of CO2, the peak strength of CO2 and the modified asphalt are higher than that of petroleum asphalt, and the peak of 1374 cm-1 is the vibrational absorption peak of CO2, indicating that there is SO2; in the gas. 650-900 cm-1 is the absorption vibrational peak of benzene ring substituents. The pyrolysis products of bitumen are mainly aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols and phenols. After pyrolysis of modified asphalt with n-dodecane and n-eicosane, 2290-2400cm-1 indicates that the peak strength of CO2 is higher than that of naphthalene and pyrene modified asphalt. These seven kinds of modified bitumen have more fluorescent substances than petroleum asphalt. After adding modifier, the aromaticity of partial oil in asphalt increases, which leads to the increase of fluorescence. After asphalt aging, the luminescent substances of modified asphalt extracted by DCLR are still in the form of dots. The modified asphalt of the model compound is shown as a short rod structure. In this paper, there are no new functional groups in the modified asphalt by infrared detection. It is speculated that the modifier and petroleum asphalt are only mixed physically and there is no chemical reaction.
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