[Abstract]:As an important part of intelligent traffic management system, license plate recognition system has been paid more and more attention by people. It is also the research hotspot of computer vision, pattern recognition and image processing technology in the field of intelligent traffic management. In this paper, a license plate recognition system is built by consulting a lot of literature and combining the previous work and research results. The system includes: first, using license plate location algorithm to segment the license plate image. All the regions that may contain license plates are extracted, and then all the image regions are classified by support vector machine, and the effective license plate regions are returned by the prediction function. Then, the license plate image is segmented and recognized, including the OCR algorithm is used to detect each character on the license plate and the characters are extracted, and then the character recognition is carried out by using the trained artificial neural network. The system uses VS2010 development tools, combined with C language and OpenCV library functions to program the license plate recognition system, and completes the license plate image location and recognition. The experimental results are satisfactory.
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