[Abstract]:At present, the soil-quality road and road construction site in our country is serious, and the problem of recovery and reuse of domestic waste oil is also a hot topic at present. Based on the formula of coal ash suppressant used at present, the effect and mechanical property change of the application of coal ash inhibitor in road lime soil are discussed. The conclusions are as follows: the existence of waste oil particles has obvious inhibition effect on lime soil, little change on physical properties, and a little gain on mechanical properties. In this paper, the test method is first designed to determine the ratio and basic physical parameters of the test lime soil, and then the theoretical analysis is carried out by considering the one-dimensional diffusion equation, and a reasonable wind duct model and test parameters are set up and tested. Then the mechanical properties of lime-soil were tested and compared with those of undisturbed gray-soil. Finally, the stability of lime-soil was studied. The main work and specific research results are as follows: 1. Determine the basic parameters of the test soil and determine the proportion of cooking waste oil and lime soil. The results of compaction test show that oil particles have little effect on the maximum dry density of lime soil and its corresponding optimum moisture content. Through the determination of liquid plastic limit, it is determined that oil particles tend to soften soil particles under low water content, but not easy to liquefy under high water content. 2. Wind tunnel is established and lime particles are tested. It is concluded that the existence of oil particles can inhibit the dispersion of particles obviously. 3. The unconfined compressive strength test and triaxial compression test of lime soil are carried out, and the results show that the oil particles make the compressive strength of soil. The internal friction angle 蠁 and cohesion c are both increased. 4. Through the penetration test, consolidation test and no load expansion test, it is concluded that the oil particles make it difficult for water to enter the soil, and enhance the stability and durability of the soil.
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