[Abstract]:It has been more than ten years since the end of 1990s at home and abroad, and the theoretical and practical experience has been relatively mature. Similar projects of external prestressing reinforcement have been done in China. By reducing the amplitude of live load stress, limiting the development of cracks and improving the flexural bearing capacity of beam body, it is more common to paste steel plate as passive reinforcement, but it is rare to use internal prestressing force in reinforcement design. No horizontal comparison has been made, especially under heavy traffic and overload, each of the three reinforcement methods has its advantages and disadvantages. I have participated in the whole process of the bridge strengthening project of Guangzhou Airport Expressway. According to the characteristics of the small box girder in the airport, the project has drawn up three kinds of reinforcement methods: internal prestress, external prestress and steel plate reinforcement. Because the strengthened beam has the same disease and construction condition, It provides a good platform for the comparison of three reinforcement methods, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each reinforcement method. After finding the bridge diseases, the following works are mainly done: 1, structural disease cause analysis; 2, three feasible reinforcement methods are put forward and analyzed theoretically; 3, the initial working state of bridge span is determined by carrying out load test before construction; (4) strengthening construction; 5. After strengthening, the load test is carried out again, and the results are verified by experiment. 6, the advantages and disadvantages of the three reinforcement methods are compared from the aspects of reinforcement effect, cost, construction difficulty, maintenance difficulty and so on. In order to determine their respective scope of application, in order to achieve induction, promotion of the role. Through the comparison of test data, the following conclusions are drawn: the process of internal prestressing is more complex and the construction is difficult, especially the thickening part of the concrete on the top of the web is difficult to be compacted; The external prestressing process is complex, the tension technique is high, the process of sticking steel plate is mature, the construction difficulty is low, the cost is low and no closed traffic is needed, and the box girder bottom plate is thin. Or heavy traffic trunk roads should give priority to the choice of this method. The long-term durability of colloid will greatly affect the long-term reinforcement effect, and the shrinkage and creep of concrete in the prestressing plan will reduce the pre-stress degree of the later stage of the beam. The external prestressing scheme should strengthen the inspection of the working performance of the anchor head, the loss of prestress and the anticorrosive condition during the operation period, and replace the anticorrosive grease in time. During the period of bridge operation, traffic load control should be strengthened to avoid the operation of overloaded vehicles, and the daily inspection of bridges should be strengthened.
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