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发布时间:2018-12-09 11:53
[Abstract]:In the Yellow River plain area, the salinization is very serious due to the high groundwater level and severe capillary action. It is not clear to the law of secondary salinization and accumulation of salt in the course of constructing silty soil subgrade on saline soil foundation of Yellow River flood area and its influence on subgrade disease. In highway engineering, no special treatment is often made for general highway subgrade. For high-grade highways, when regional salinization is serious, engineering and technical measures such as setting fault-isolation in the whole section of roadbed are often used to prevent secondary salinization diseases of roadbed, although the effect of treatment is remarkable. But the technical scheme of subgrade full section partition is high cost and long construction time. It is of great theoretical and engineering significance to analyze the law of the accumulation of salt in the subgrade of the Yellow Pan-saline soil region and to study the corresponding engineering disposal technology for the highway construction in the Yellow Pan-Saline soil area. In this paper, the indoor model test and numerical analysis are used to study the law of salt accumulation in saline soil in the Yellow River flood area, the problem of salt accumulation in the middle layer during stratification and compaction in the flood area of the Yellow River, the feasibility of partial partition and disposal of subgrade and the reasonable scheme of partial partition and disposal. The vertical pipe test shows that the critical accumulation height of silt salt forming weakly salinized soil is 1.35m. when the top of subgrade is higher than the maximum rising height of capillary water, there will be no surface salt accumulation at the top of subgrade. In the process of salt migration and accumulation in subgrade, there is no obvious salt belt in subgrade. The simulation test of indoor filling process shows that in the process of subgrade stratification and compaction, the time interval of each layer of soil paving is longer, and the salt concentration is slightly accumulated in the layers under the influence of capillary action and evaporation, but the salt content is relatively low. There was no salt crystallization. In the process of continuous filling, the capillary water increases continuously, which results in the loss of some salt in the interlayer accumulation, and does not result in a large loss of interlayer compaction. Based on the local partition technology of subgrade slope foot, based on the numerical analysis, this paper puts forward the local partition and disposal scheme of subgrade based on different groundwater level height, groundwater mineralization degree and different roadbed height. The reliability of the technical scheme of partial partition and disposal is verified by the model test and test road of subgrade polysalt. By adopting the local partition technique scheme of the embankment slope foot in the salinized soil area of the Yellow River, the secondary salinization disease of the roadbed can be effectively prevented, the treatment cost of the roadbed in the salinized soil area can be reduced, the construction time can be shortened, and the economic benefit is remarkable.


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