[Abstract]:Because of the influence of the network structure and the level of economic development along the road network, the expressway presents the imbalance of the flow distribution. This study proposes to use the Gini coefficient to quantify the imbalance of the road network flow distribution. It is of great significance to control the distribution of traffic flow and improve the operation efficiency of road network. First of all, this paper constructs the traffic flow distribution model of highway network under multi-vehicle model to calculate the path selection probability and cross-section traffic volume. Secondly, considering the topological structure of the road network, the behavior of route selection and the traffic flow, the highway network characteristic model considering the flow distribution is established to reflect the importance of nodes or sections in the road network. Thirdly, the Gini coefficient is used to evaluate the uneven flow distribution of the expressway network. Finally, combining with the regional highway network and toll data of Shandong Province, the paper makes an example analysis. The results show that the method of Gini coefficient to analyze the disequilibrium of traffic distribution in expressway network is flexible and can quantify the disequilibrium of flow distribution in different spatial dimensions.
【作者单位】: 北京交通大学交通运输学院;山东省交通科学研究院;北京交通大学城市交通复杂系统理论与技术教育部重点实验室;
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