[Abstract]:In order to shorten the working time of urban viaduct, using the good mechanical properties and durability of ultra-high performance concrete, a kind of steel-UHPC light-duty composite bridge which can be prefabricated, hoisted and completed quickly is put forward. Aiming at the situation that the tensile stress of slab in the negative moment region of traditional steel-concrete composite continuous beam bridge is too large, a simple supported variable continuous structure which can be prefabricated with the whole beam segment is proposed. The experimental design of 30m span steel-UHPC light-duty composite city bridge is carried out, and the material dosage and economic performance are compared with the existing scheme. The combined effect of load is calculated by using MIDAS/Civil software. According to the calculation results, the bridge design code of China is used as the basis, and the design code of UHPC structure in France is used for reference at the same time. Based on plastic design method and elastic design method, the limit state of load-carrying capacity and normal use limit state of steel UHPC light-duty composite continuous bridge are designed and calculated, respectively. Furthermore, the relationship between the number of steel bars and crack width in normal service limit state is further explored. The local finite element model with fine negative bending moment region is established. According to the calculated results, the longitudinal joints of bridges with large tensile stress are selected for 1:1 full-scale model test. The results show that the ratio of height to span is reduced from 1 / 21 to 1 / 28, and the deadweight is reduced to 54 parts of the traditional steel-concrete composite bridge. The crack width of UHPC slab decreases rapidly at the beginning of the increase of steel bar quantity, and its contribution to the crack width control decreases obviously with the increase of the number of steel bars. The steel UHPC light-duty composite city bridge has enough flexural and shear bearing capacity, and the overall stress level in the negative moment region is not high. At the same time, the tensile strength of the test joint is far greater than the calculated value, which meets the requirements of engineering application.
【作者单位】: 湖南大学土木工程学院;郑州航空港兴港投资集团有限公司;
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