[Abstract]:In order to discuss the seismic response of rocking self-reset (Rocking Self-Centering,RSC) pier under near-fault ground earthquake, the seismic analysis model of RSC pier is established based on Open Sees numerical analysis platform. At the same time, the seismic analysis model of normal reinforced concrete (Reinforced Concrete,RC) pier with vertical unbonded prestressed tendons (Unbonded Prestressed Reinforced Concrete,PRC) pier is established as a comparison. The incremental dynamic analysis is carried out for each model by inputting the near fault ground seismic records. Taking the maximum displacement angle of pier top, residual displacement angle and maximum stress of prestressed tendons as the targets, the seismic responses of different piers with different height (shear / span ratio of 2 ~ 4 and 6) and different pier types (RSC,RC and PRC piers) are compared and analyzed. The results show that the maximum displacement angle at the top of the RSC pier and the maximum stress of the prestressed tendons decrease with the increase of the ratio of energy dissipation reinforcement, while the residual displacement angle of the pier can be effectively reduced by RSC and PRC piers. The maximum top displacement angle, residual displacement angle and stress level of prestressed tendons are close to the maximum displacement angle of PRC piers, where the reinforcement ratio of energy dissipation steel bar is close to that of longitudinal reinforcement ratio of PRC pier. Whether RSC pier or PRC pier, when the shear span ratio is greater than or equal to 6. 0, prestressing tendons are liable to fail. In order to avoid excessive residual deformation at the top of RSC pier caused by failure of prestressed tendons, the ratio of energy dissipation reinforcement in RSC pier should not be lower than 0.75.
【作者单位】: 大连理工大学建设工程学部;防灾科技学院防灾工程系;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51678150) 地震科技星火计划攻关项目(XH17064) 河北省高等学校科学技术研究项目(ZD2017306)
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