[Abstract]:On the basis of field model test of anchor in Puli super bridge tunnel, the deformation and failure process of surrounding rock of tunnel anchor is revealed by numerical simulation technique: the failure surface of surrounding rock starts to crack from the bottom of anchor body to the contact surface of surrounding rock, and gradually diffuses outward in a circular shape. The failure form is tensile and shear failure. In addition, the front face rock mass of anchor body is arched and damaged by tension. The stress distribution on the failure surface changes with the increase of drawing load. Based on this, a model for calculating the uplift resistance of tunnel anchor surrounding rock is proposed by establishing a force balance relationship on the failure surface. The calculation model is different from the existing literature and embodies the clamping effect and the complex stress variation on the failure surface. The stress distribution on failure surface needs to be proved by model test and numerical simulation. In the future, on the basis of comprehensive test and analysis of rock mass with different strength and different structural characteristics, the shape of failure plane and the magnitude of stress can be suggested. The model is used to verify the test results, and the ultimate uplift resistance of the bridge prototype Anchorage is estimated to be very large. At present, tunnel anchor design is generally conservative, tunnel anchor in medium, soft rock can still be used. The possible changes of the morphological characteristics of the failure surface and the influence of the rock mass structure characteristics on the uplift force are discussed.
【作者单位】: 长江科学院水利部岩土力学与工程重点实验室;
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