[Abstract]:On the basis of studying the existing theory of traffic impact assessment and summarizing the practical application at home and abroad, the paper puts forward the problems existing in the practice of traffic impact assessment from the technical level of traffic assessment, respectively from the construction of public transport infrastructure construction projects. The application of mechanical parking equipment, the construction of non-motor vehicle parking and the evaluation of improvement measures are optimized. It is hoped that the theoretical system of traffic impact assessment will be improved at the same time. It can provide operational and feasible guidance for practical application of traffic impact assessment. In view of the construction of public transportation infrastructure, the adaptability of the existing standards and norms for the planning and construction of the public transport infrastructure in domestic cities is analyzed, and the reasonable scale and layout of different public infrastructure are explored and summarized. Deployment requirements; The feasibility analysis of the construction project of public bicycle allocation is carried out, and the reasonable construction method and layout requirements are put forward. Based on the analysis of various factors considered in the construction project of mechanical parking lot and storehouse, the operation principle, parking capacity and cost of different types of mechanical parking equipment are compared and analyzed. Efficiency, put forward the corresponding construction principles and specific mechanical parking equipment setting requirements. According to the theory and method of urban construction land development and construction project, this paper probes into the model and method of non-motor vehicle parking allocation, which is more suitable for the present situation. Based on the study of evaluation methods of traffic evaluation and improvement measures for construction projects, the evaluation index system of traffic evaluation improvement measures based on category analysis is established, and the evaluation index is defined by the method of quantitative qualitative analysis, and the index attribute value and index weight are determined. From the angle of single index evaluation and comprehensive evaluation index system, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to evaluate the effect of different improvement measures, so as to effectively alleviate the traffic pressure generated by construction projects.
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