[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of traffic construction in China and the continuous improvement of tunnel construction technology, tunnel engineering has developed to the characteristics of large buried depth, long tunnel line, complex geology, frequent disasters, and so on. Among them, the water gushing disaster through the fault broken zone tunnel has become one of the most important geological disasters in the tunnel construction process, and the casualties and economic losses caused by it are also in the forefront of all kinds of tunnel geological disasters. Therefore, it is of great significance to test and analyze the safety thickness of the outburst layer on the face of the tunnel through the fault broken zone and the characteristics of the water inflow and the variation of the water pressure when the tunnel inrush occurs. Based on the Cen (Xi) Water (Wen) Expressway Cengxi large Tunnel Project, this paper takes the tunnel crossing the fault fracture zone as the research object, adopts the method of combining model test and numerical simulation, under the action of self-gravity stress field. The characteristics of water gushing during tunnel excavation were studied under three conditions of no surface water recharge without grouting and surface water recharge without grouting. The main contents and conclusions are as follows: 1. Based on the similarity theory, the model test is designed. Based on geometric similarity constant (lC=80), severe similarity constant (? Cn1) and permeability coefficient similarity constant (kC=1), the similarity constants of other physical and mechanical parameters in model tests are derived, and the similar materials of surrounding rock and lining structure are prepared. 2. Under the action of gravity stress field, the tunnel excavation under three conditions of no surface water recharge without grouting, surface water recharge without grouting and surface water recharge with pre-grouting is tested. In this paper, the characteristics of water gushing in tunnel construction through fault broken zone are studied. The water inflow, the variation of water pressure and the safety thickness of anti-outburst layer on the face of tunnel under three working conditions are obtained. The finite element analysis software Midas/GTS is used to simulate the three working conditions in the indoor model test, and the results of numerical analysis are compared with the results of the model test, and the characteristics of water gushing through the tunnel in the broken fault zone are obtained. This conclusion will provide some reference for prevention and treatment of water gushing in similar tunnel construction.
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