[Abstract]:In order to study the bearing capacity and coordinated deformation capacity of steel strip reinforced spiral bellows in non-uniform settlement areas such as sand blowing and reclamation, a three-dimensional finite element model was established by using Ansys, and the supporting stiffness and deformation conditions of different buried depth, different soil around the pipe and non-uniform deformation conditions were established. Numerical simulation of 1.5 m pipe diameter was carried out under the condition of free laying. The results show that the pipe has better load-bearing and deformation coordination ability under the above working conditions, mainly as follows: (1) the steel strip bears most of the load and has strong anti-deformation ability in the circumferential direction; (2) under the condition that the soil arch effect is not taken into account and the pipe and soil share the structural characteristics of the bellows, the maximum soil cover of 1.5 m high ring rigid pipe can reach 12 m; (3) the soil bracing stiffness around the pipe has obvious influence on the stress and deformation of steel strip and polyethylene endothelium, and the sensitivity of deformation value to the stiffness coefficient and overburden load is greater than the stress value. (4) the pipe has better longitudinal and coordinated deformation ability to the uneven settlement, (5) the free laying has the certain bending deformation ability, but does not meet the requirements of "buried plastic drainage pipe construction" in the arc laying 20de.
【作者单位】: 重庆交通大学土木工程学院;广西交通科学研究院;
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