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发布时间:2019-01-11 18:46
[Abstract]:In the northern part of China, snow icing often occurs on asphalt pavement in winter. In order to ensure smooth and safe traffic, it is often used to melt ice and snow with the method of dispersal chlorine salt snowmelt agent to relieve traffic pressure. But the chlorine salt snow melting agent will destroy the asphalt pavement at the same time of melting snow and deicing. Especially when the snow melting agent is distributed unevenly, the road performance of some pavement will be significantly reduced due to the erosion of high concentration snow melt agent. In this paper, the effects of clear water and 28% sodium chloride solution on the performance of asphalt and asphalt mixture were studied. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the ice melting ability of chloride solution increases first and then decreases with the increase of chloride solution concentration, and the ice melting ability of chlorine salt solution increases with the concentration of 23 chloride salt solution, and (2) with the increase of chlorine salt solution concentration, The temperature sensing and high temperature properties of asphalt are getting better and better, and the low temperature performance and the adhesion between asphalt and aggregate are becoming worse and worse. The ductility of bitumen after immersion in chloride solution with concentration of more than 18% can not meet the requirements of specifications. The degree of adhesion between asphalt and basalt aggregate after immersion in chloride solution with concentration of more than 14% can not meet the requirements of the specification. (3) the bituminous mixture soaked with different concentrations of chlorine salt snowmelt agent is taken as the research object. The low temperature splitting test, uniaxial static compression creep test and freeze-thaw splitting test were carried out, and the creep test of asphalt mixture was analyzed by viscoelastic principle. The experimental results show that the high temperature, low temperature and water stability properties of asphalt mixture become worse and worse with the increase of chloride snow melting agent concentration. (4) the influence of chlorine salt snow melting agent concentration on asphalt and asphalt mixture performance is considered synthetically. It is recommended that the concentration of snow melting agent spread to the road should not exceed 14% in the snow removal project. To sum up, the concentration of chlorine salt snow melting agent has a significant effect on the performance of asphalt and asphalt mixture. In the actual snow removal work, it is necessary to increase or decrease according to the amount of snow falling and the ice formation on the road on the basis of the recommended value, and pay attention to spreading evenly when spreading, so as to effectively reduce the harm of the snowmelt agent to the road.


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