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发布时间:2019-02-12 06:44
[Abstract]:Excavation of foundation pit in complex urban environment will result in significant deformation of underlying tunnel and lead to tunnel safety problems. This paper reviews the previous researches on the influence of foundation pit excavation on tunnel deformation, and discusses the influence of excavation on tunnel deformation law when the foundation pit is located directly above the tunnel by using finite element software Plaxis, and discusses the depth of excavation foundation pit. The effect of area, space dimension of tunnel and deformation characteristics of soil on deformation of underlying tunnel is discussed. Different reinforcement techniques are used to analyze the effect of different reinforcement methods on reducing deformation. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the stress release phenomenon in the excavation of foundation pit, the soil around the excavation area will produce obvious deformation, the bottom surface of the foundation pit will be raised, if effective measures are not taken, The vertical deformation and horizontal deformation of the underlying tunnel greatly exceed the allowable value of the code. (2) the space dimension of excavation and the deformation of the tunnel have great influence. With the increase of excavation depth, the vertical and horizontal deformation average of tunnel increases. With the increase of excavation width, the deformation of tunnel increases in a logarithmic relationship. When the excavation area increases to a certain critical value, The increase of excavation width does not have too much influence on tunnel deformation. (3) the spatial dimension relationship between excavation foundation pit and underlying tunnel has great influence on the deformation of underlying tunnel, and with the increase of tunnel depth, The deformation of tunnel decreases with the increase of the distance between the center of tunnel and the center of foundation pit. (4) the elastic modulus of soil affects the deformation of soil and the deformation of tunnel. With the increase of elastic modulus of soil, the deformation of tunnel decreases with logarithmic function. And in engineering, setting door mixing pile under the bottom of foundation pit can increase the elastic modulus of soil and reduce the deformation of the tunnel caused by excavation. (5) the anti-drawing pile can effectively reduce the deformation of tunnel caused by excavation of foundation pit. And the depth of the uplift pile has a significant effect on the excavation deformation.


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