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发布时间:2019-02-16 17:46
[Abstract]:In order to study the influence and mechanism of different geological soil layers on pile end bearing capacity and pile side friction of post-grouting bored pile, the static load test and internal force test of three post-grouting bored cast-in-place piles are carried out. The bearing capacity of single pile before and after grouting, the axial force of pile body and the settlement data of pile top are obtained, and the bearing capacity of pile end and the pile side friction of each soil layer are calculated. Based on the analysis of load-settlement curve and axial force distribution map of pile body, the mechanism of the influence of post-grouting on pile end bearing capacity and pile side friction is discussed. This paper further studies the improvement of bearing capacity of grouting technology after grouting under different geological conditions, and analyzes the mechanism of bearing capacity increase and the reasons why the effect is different. By comparing the influence of post-grouting on pile end bearing capacity and pile side friction under different geological conditions, it is verified that pile end bearing capacity and pile side friction will have different interaction and influence under different pile end soil strength conditions. The test results show that the application of post-grouting technology can effectively improve the bearing capacity of single bored pile and reduce the settlement of pile top. The pile end bearing capacity and pile side frictional resistance can be increased to some extent by post-grouting of pile end in different geological soil layers. The increasing range of pile end bearing capacity and pile side friction is closely related to the mechanical properties of pile end soil, and the increase of coarse grained soil is larger than that of fine grained soil. In actual engineering, in order to make full use of the potential reserve of the bearing capacity of single pile after grouting, the end resistance can be adjusted reasonably and the side resistance enhancement coefficient can be selected according to the different geological conditions of the pile end.
【作者单位】: 莆田学院土木工程学院;福建船政交通职业学院;


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