[Abstract]:Taking the aeolian sand in Yulin area of Shaanxi Province as the main research material, the physical and mechanical properties and dynamic characteristic parameters of the aeolian sand were obtained through indoor geotechnical test and dynamic triaxial test, and according to the similarity theory, Based on the similar model test of shaking table, the stability of high embankment filled by aeolian sand under earthquake load is analyzed and studied, and some regular knowledge is obtained. The main research work carried out in this paper is as follows: 1. The basic mechanical parameters of aeolian sand samples were measured by screening, direct shear and compaction tests, and the dynamic characteristic parameters of the samples were obtained by dynamic triaxial test. Based on the equivalent dynamic viscoelastic constitutive model, the model material was determined and its rationality was verified. According to the characteristic parameters of the shaking table and the purpose of the test, the model box which accords with the test requirements is designed and made. The rationality of the simulation boundary conditions of the model box is verified, and the difference of the natural vibration frequency between the model box and the model soil is compared and analyzed. The influence of the model box on the test results is excluded. 3. Design and make the model, select the type, type and arrangement of the sensor, select EL-Centre wave, Lanzhou wave and sine wave as the test wave, make the loading system, clear the test procedure; 4. According to the test results, the stability analysis of embankment structure under earthquake load is completed, mainly including analyzing the dynamic response of acceleration and displacement, analyzing the influence of seismic wave type, acceleration peak value and model slope ratio on the stability of embankment. Taking the acceleration as an example, the results show that the acceleration peak value of each point on the model embankment increases with the increase of the input seismic acceleration peak value, and the acceleration magnification factor increases with the increase of vertical height. The acceleration magnification effect in elevation is obviously greater than that in horizontal direction, in which the magnification effect at the shoulder is the most obvious. 5. Based on the experimental data, the failure process and failure pattern of the model embankment are summarized and analyzed. The results show that under the action of EL-Centre wave and Lanzhou wave, the model embankment mainly displays shallow soil loosening, internal soil slip, cracks on slope and top of roadbed, and cracks gradually develop into the interior of roadbed. Forming a potential circular sliding surface; Under the action of sine wave, both model two and model three begin to destroy at the base of slope, and extend up gradually. Finally, the structure of original embankment is destroyed completely.
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