[Abstract]:In order to study the contribution of all kinds of anti-wind measures to the improvement of wind stability of long-span pedestrian suspension bridges, a model was established by using the finite element program of the bar system on the background of a pedestrian single-span suspension anchor suspension bridge with a main span of 430 m. In this paper, the dynamic characteristics and wind-resistant stability of pedestrian suspension bridge are analyzed by means of basic structure, using space cable, increasing beam weight, widening bridge deck at beam end, setting up wind-resistant cable, etc. The dynamic characteristics and wind-resistant stability of pedestrian suspension bridge are analyzed. The results show that the critical flutter wind speed is the design and control wind speed of the pedestrian suspension bridge, and widening the width of the end of the stiffened beam can not improve the wind stability of the structure. At the same time, increasing the weight of the beam by 150% and setting the wind-resistant cable to resist the wind stability have a better effect, both of which can reach more than 30%. The vertical bending fundamental frequency and torsional fundamental frequency of the structure are obviously increased by setting the wind resistant cable, but also the maintenance and maintenance costs are increased, which affects the utilization of the space under the bridge.
【作者单位】: 中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司;中建六局桥梁有限公司;
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