[Abstract]:Tunneling of shield tunnel in urban subway will cause structural deformation and settlement of adjacent buildings. Because the location of different buildings is different, the thickness of overlying soil, the combination of rock strata and the depth of underground water are different in shield tunnel, so there are great differences in the rules of building settlement. Based on the hydrogeological conditions, rock formation combination model and engineering structure characteristics of Nanning city, the geological zoning of subway shield construction interval is carried out in this paper. According to the characteristics of the settlement curve of buildings caused by shield tunnel construction basically accord with Gao Si's distribution, combined with the factors of foundation buried depth, stiffness, relative position of tunnel and so on, the stratum parameters of Peck formula for surface settlement are modified. The formulas for predicting the settlement of buildings in different geological zones are obtained. Taking a certain section of Nanning Metro Line 1 as an example, the calculated value of building settlement prediction formula is compared with the actual monitoring value. The results show that the fitting correlation coefficient between them is 82%, indicating that the formula has good applicability. It can be used as a reference for predicting the settlement of buildings adjacent to the follow-up subway line in Nanning City.
【作者单位】: 广西大学土木建筑工程学院;南宁市建筑管理处;桂林理工大学广西岩土力学与工程重点实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助(51568006,41372361) 广西岩土力学与工程重点实验室资助课题(14-KF-03)
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