[Abstract]:There is a wide range of rigid domain at the consolidation of continuous rigid frame pier beam, and its simulation mode has a direct influence on the dynamic characteristics of continuous rigid frame bridge. Four different methods (common joint, master-slave constraint, rigid material, solid element) are used to analyze the influence of the simulation mode of pier beam consolidation on the dynamic characteristics of high pier and long span continuous rigid frame bridge. At the same time, the modal frequency and vibration mode of the actual bridge structure are tested by using the natural environment excitation technology and the joint feature system implementation algorithm (NExT/ERA method), and compared with the above four simulation methods. The results show that the modal parameters of the structure can be well identified by NExT/ERA method, and the dynamic characteristics of the bridge structure are greatly affected by different simulation methods, and the finite element model of the solid element is the most accurate. The rigid material method can also simulate the rigid domain of the pier and beam consolidation very well. For the structure with high pier and long span continuous rigid frame bridge, which has a wide range of rigid regions, it is necessary to accurately simulate the rigid domain in order to obtain the correct dynamic characteristics of the structure.
【作者单位】: 重庆中设工程设计股份有限公司;重庆中检工程质量检测有限公司;长沙理工大学土木与建筑学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(51378080) 科技部973计划项目(2015CB057702)
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