[Abstract]:With the rapid development of road transportation, the number of motor vehicles in various countries is increasing rapidly, and the number of road traffic accidents is increasing day by day. However, 90% of road traffic accidents are related to driver factors, in which driving distraction is often the main cause of traffic accidents. In recent years, the number of people using ride-hailing software has increased rapidly, and the distractions of driving software are becoming more and more common, and the driving safety problems caused by this phenomenon have also attracted much attention. Therefore, this paper studies the driving distraction behavior induced by mobile phone hailing software in driving, and establishes the driving distraction detection model, which is of great significance to improve the road traffic safety and reduce the frequency of traffic accidents. This paper first introduces the relationship between driving safety and driving distraction behavior, and expounds that driving distraction behavior is an important cause of traffic accidents and driving safety problems. This paper systematically combs the characteristics of the use of mobile phone ride-hailing software, based on the regulations of the people's Republic of China on the implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law and other laws, combined with the actual situation of the driving simulator in our school. Four kinds of distractions studied in this paper are screened out: Bluetooth conversation, talking to passengers, viewing information, information input, and the location of mobile phone bracket is the dashboard. Then, the driving simulation experiment based on mobile phone ride hailing software is completed on the large driving simulator developed by Southwest Jiaotong University. The experimental data are analyzed. The results show that there are throttle opening, longitudinal velocity, longitudinal acceleration, transverse acceleration and steering wheel angle in the conventional scene. The standard deviation of the six data of steering wheel angular speed showed significant difference between normal driving and four types of distracted driving, and the individual difference of driver had no significant effect on the results of the six indexes. In the unconventional scene, when the driver is distracted, his response to dangerous stimuli increases significantly, and the individual difference of the driver also has a significant impact on the response time results. The change of driver's reaction time will directly lead to the change of collision avoidance mode, but the compensation behavior of changing collision avoidance mode does not reduce the traffic accident rate, and the accident rate of driver when driving distraction operation is significantly increased. Finally, the driving state is divided into three categories, namely, normal driving state, cognitive distracted driving state and visual distracted driving state. Based on the difference analysis results of vehicle horizontal and longitudinal control indexes, the parameter set of driving distraction detection is constructed. Based on the theory of support vector machine (SVM), a driving distraction detection model is built. Then, the training sample set and the test sample set are randomly selected to train and verify the model. The results show that the average correct detection rate of the model for normal driving state, cognitive distracted driving state and visual distracted driving state is high. It was 82.5%, 80% and 92.5% respectively. The probability of misjudging both visual distracted driving state and cognitive distracted driving state to normal driving state is less than 8%. The overall detection effect of the model is good and can be used for driving distraction detection.
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