[Abstract]:The total length of the FPZQ-3 bid section of the two-purpose bridge in the Strait of Pingtan is about 11.15km, including 3 navigation-hole bridges (double-tower steel, hybrid-beam cable-stayed bridge),119-hole non-navigable-hole bridge (concrete beam bridge), and 34-hole approach bridge (simply-supported steel-bridge-bonded beam bridge). Aiming at the characteristics of poor construction conditions at the bridge site, great engineering quantity, short working time and the like, a long trestle is adopted for the foundation construction, and the scheme of the first platform rear cofferdam is adopted, wherein the full length of the trestle is about 7.5 km, and the navigation hole bridge adopts a driving pile, a pipe frame and a "Driving pile + anchor pile" of three drilling platform schemes, The large-diameter bored pile foundation with a diameter of 4.0m and 4.5m in diameter is adopted for the construction of a 5000-type rotary drilling machine, and the bridge tower pier bearing platform is constructed by an anti-collision hanging box cofferdam; The bridge of the navigation hole adopts the double-cantilever method of the floating crane and the frame beam crane to carry out the construction of the large-section steel double-cantilever beam; the simple-supported steel corrugated beam of the non-navigation hole bridge adopts the construction scheme for manufacturing the whole hole of the factory and the whole hole of the floating crane; and the concrete box girder is constructed by adopting a moving mould frame method.
【作者单位】: 中铁大桥局集团有限公司;
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