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发布时间:2019-06-18 17:11
[Abstract]:The differential settlement of road and bridge transition section is a railway, which is a common problem in highway engineering, especially the settlement under dynamic action after opening to traffic. In addition to the longitudinal differential settlement, there are some special engineering problems related to the mechanical properties of underlying frozen soils in the transitional section of roads and bridges in permafrost areas. From the investigation and analysis data, it can be seen that the settlement disease of the transitional section of Qinghai-Tibet Railway is very common, and the settlement difference is large. At present, the method of leveling the landfill slag in the space of settlement difference behind the bridge platform is mainly adopted. Although this method is effective for a short time, it can not control the subsidence of subgrade from the mechanism, and will produce new diseases. Because of the different disease mechanism, the corresponding experience and technology of the melting area are difficult to be effectively applied to the frozen soil area, but there is little research on the road and bridge transition section in the frozen soil area at present. Based on this, the purpose of this paper is to study the mechanism and treatment measures of differential settlement in the transition section of roads and bridges in permafrost areas. In the laboratory model test, the influence of groundwater is simulated by embedding heat source; the treatment effect is observed by setting up different stiffness of road and bridge slabs and different properties of subgrade filling; at the same time, the numerical calculation model is established by using ANSYS software to analyze the treatment effect of heat bar on differential settlement. The following conclusions can be drawn: (1) the dynamic change of underground dark river will affect the mechanical properties of frozen soil, the structure and materials of different roadbed can regulate radiation, convective flow and conduction, and all of them can affect the settlement trend of road and bridge transition section. (2) in laboratory simulation test, by setting heat source to simulate groundwater effect, it can be seen that under the action of groundwater, The settlement of bridge platform and subgrade is obviously increased, and the settlement of bridge platform is obviously larger than that of subgrade, that is to say, steel pipe pile is more sensitive to groundwater. (3) in laboratory simulation test, the differential settlement can be reduced to a certain extent after setting up the slab between roads and bridges, and with the increase of stiffness between roads and bridges, the reduction of differential settlement is greater; However, once the basement has sunk, it is extremely difficult to repair it. When different properties of subgrade filling are used, the greater the stiffness of subgrade filling is, the smaller the differential settlement is, but the greater the stiffness of filling is, the better the stiffness is. For the lines that have been put into operation, the performance of subgrade filling can be improved by injecting water mud. However, the above two methods have no obvious improvement on the thermal engineering diseases of permafrost. (4) through ANSYS software, the treatment effect of hot rod on the differential settlement of road and bridge transition section in frozen soil area is calculated and analyzed, it can be seen that the settlement of subgrade can be effectively reduced after the hot rod is embedded in the subgrade. However, the effect of hot rod on settlement difference of road and bridge transition section in frozen soil area is very weak. In order to fundamentally control the differential settlement diseases, a comprehensive control scheme must be put forward.


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