学位: 博士
职称:教授 博导
2008.8-至今:《International Journal of Sustainable Society》编委
2006.7-至今:《African Journal of Agricultural Research》编委
主持、执行科技部“十二五”科技支撑项目“高寒草地生物多样性综合保护与持续利用技术(2012BAC01B02)” (2011-2014)主持、执行环保部环保公益项目“高寒荒漠区国家级自然保护区生态监测与综合管理研究201209033”(2012-2014)主持、完成自然科学基金重点项目“基于全球经验的中国流域生态系统可持续管理(31110303040)”(2011)主持、完成UNEP/ICIMOD项目“Assessment of National and Local Policies and Institutional Arrangements on Rangeland Management in Dry Pastoral Areas of HKH Region in China”(2011) 技术负责执行自然科学基金重点项目“水坝工程的生态风险及安全调控机理研究(50939001)”(2010-2014)主持执行自然科学基金项目“环境保护与可持续发展国际研讨会:认识脆弱山地景观中的社会文化-自然生态耦合系统(30910303027)”(2009)主持执行自然科学基金项目“退化高寒草地植被生态恢复的繁殖动力学研究(30870466)”(2008-2010)主持执行自然科学基金项目“高寒地区人工草地退化与恢复的植被-土壤界面过程研究(30600083)”(2006-2008)主持完成亚洲学人基金(Asian Scholar Foundation)项目“Sustainable Rangeland Resource and Ecosystem Management in Nepal”(2006-2008)参加完成国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973项目)“纵向岭谷区生态系统变化及西南跨境生态安全(2003CB415100)”(2003-2008)参加完成院士咨询项目“长江上游地区生态与环境问题再评估及其对策”之专题二:长江上游森林和草地覆被变化及生物多样性状况评估(2006-2007)参加完成自然科学基金项目“基于地理因素、景观结构和生境特征数据的贺兰山生物多样性格局测度研究”(No. 40371043)(2004-2006)参加完成自然科学基金项目“中条山植被及植物区系与地理环境特征关系综合研究”(No.40271047)(2002-2005)参加完成国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973项目)“草地与农牧交错带生态系统重建机理及优化生态—生产范式(G2000018600)”(2000-2005)参加完成美中学术交流委员会(美国福特基金)项目“西部生物资源可持续利用的经济激励措施与管理政策”(2002-2005)参加完成美中学术交流委员会(美国福特基金)项目“黄土高原地区退耕还林还(草)过程中的问题与对策:私人成本与社会收益的冲突及可能的解决途径”(2001-2003)主持完成农业部“中国草地生态环境建设战略性问题研究”之子课题“中国草原限牧禁牧战略研究”和“中国草地经营管理制度建设战略研究”(2002-2004)主持完成中国博士后科学基金项目“青藏高原高寒地区多年生禾草混播草地群落稳定性生理生态机制研究”(2001-2002)
一. 专著
主编《青藏高原高寒人工草地生产生态范式》. 科学出版社(2013)主编《环境科学课外实习指导教程》. 北京师范大学出版社(2011)合编《纵向岭谷区重大工程建设与区域生态系统变化交互作用》. 科学出版社(2009)参编《中国草业可持续发展战略》. 中国农业出版社 (2006)参编《中国草地生态环境建设战略研究》. 中国农业出版社 (2005)合编《西部生态建设与生态补偿:目标、行动、问题、对策》. 中国环境科学出版社 (2004)参编《荒漠植被与荒漠化防治》. 科学出版社 (2004).
二. 期刊论文
Lu Wen, Shikui Dong, yuanyuan Li, Xuexia Wang, Xiaoyan Li, Jianjun Shi, Quanmin Dong. (2012) The impact of land degradation on the C pools in alpine grasslands of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Plant and Soil. DOI 10.1007/s11104-012-1500-4.Lu Wen, Shikui Dong, Yuanyuan Li, Xiaoyan Li, Jianjun Shi, Yanlong Wang, Demei Liu, Yushou Ma (2012) Effect of degradation intensity on grassland ecosystem services in the alpine region of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,China. PLOS One. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058432.Lu Wen, Dong Shikui, Yuanyuan Li , Ruth Sherman, JianJun Shi, Demei Liu, Yanlong Wang, Yushou Ma, Lei Zhu (2013) The effects of biotic and abiotic factors on the spatial heterogeneity of alpine grassland vegetation at a small scale on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP), China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. DOI 10.1007/s10661-013-3154-y.Yuanyuan Li , Shikui Dong, Lu Wen, Xuexia Wang, Yu Wu (2013) Assessing the soil quality of alpine grasslands in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau using a modified soil quality index. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. DOI 10.1007/s10661-013-3151-1Shikui Dong, James Lassoie, Lu Wen, Lei Zhu, Xiaoyan Li, Jinpeng Li and Yuanyuan Li. (2013) Degradation of rangeland ecosystems in the developing world: tragedy of breaking coupled human-natural systems. International Journal of Sustainable Society (in press).S. K. Dong, L. Wen, Y. Y. Li, X. X. Wang, L. Zhu, and X. Y. Li (2012)Soil-Quality Effects of Grassland Degradation and Restoration on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 76: 2256-2264. Jinpeng Li, Shikui Dong, Zhifeng Yang, Mingchun Peng, Shiliang Liu, Xiaoyan Li. Effects of cascade hydropower dams on the structure and distribution of riparian and upland vegetation along the middle-lower Lancang-Mekong River. Forest Ecology and Management. 284: 251-259.Li, JP, Dong, SK, Peng, MC, Li, XY, Liu, SL (2012) Vegetation distribution pattern in the dam areas along middle-low reach of Lancang-Mekong River in Yunnan Province, China. Frontiers of Earth Science 6(3): 283-290.Yuan-yuan Li, Shi-kui Dong, Lu Wen, Xue-xia Wang, Yu Wu (2012). Soil seed banks in degraded and revegetated grasslands in the alpine region of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Engineering. 49: 77-83.Menghe GU, Shikui DONG, Tao WANG and Zhongkui XIE. (2012) Interspecific interactions under fertilization among Elymus nutans, Festuca sinensis and Festuca ovina on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Plant Species Biology 27 (2): 159-163.Wang C, Liu SL, Zhao, QH, Deng, L, Dong, SK (2012) Spatial variation and contamination assessment of heavy metals in sediments in the Manwan Reservoir, Lancang River. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 82: 32-39.Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu., Li Deng, Shikui Dong, Cong, Wang, Zhifeng Yang, Juejie Yang (2012). Landscape change and hydrologic alteration associated with dam construction. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 16:17-26.Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu, Li Deng, Zhifeng Yang, Shikui Dong, Cong Wang and Zhaoling Zhang (2012). Spatio-temporal variation of heavy metals in fresh water after dam construction: a case study of the Manwan Reservoir, Lancang River. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184(7):4253-4266.Zhao QH, Liu, SL, Deng, L, Dong, SK, Yang, JJ, Wang, C (2012)The effects of dam construction and precipitation variability on hydrologic alteration in the Lancang River Basin of southwest China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 26 (7) : 993-1011.李小艳, 董世魁, 刘世梁, 彭明春, 李晋鹏, 赵清贺, 张兆苓 (2012) 水坝工程对澜沧江中游陆生植物的生态风险评估. 应用生态学报 23(8): 2242-2248.李媛媛, 董世魁, 李小艳, 温璐(2012). 围栏封育对三江源区退化高寒草地植物光合作用及生物量的影响. 草地学报 20(4): 621-625.李媛媛, 董世魁, 李小艳, 温璐(2012). 围栏封育对黄河源区退化高寒草地植被组成及生物量的影响. 草地学报 20(2): 85-89, 96.王学霞, 董世魁, 李媛媛, 李小艳, 温璐, 吴娱 (2012). 三江源区草地退化与人工恢复对土壤理化性状的影响研究. 水土保持学报 26 (4): 113-118.沈洪艳,白婧,董世魁,张相峰,曹子龙,陈兵,杨雷(2012)高速公路植物废弃物的堆肥处置及应用研究. 安徽农业科学 40( 3): 1633-1636.王峰, 张相锋, 董世魁 (2012) 植物建植对垃圾填埋场生物覆盖层甲烷氧化及其微生物群落的影响. 生态学杂志 31( 7): 1718-1723.Dong S. K. Wen L., Yang Z. F., Liu S. L., Lassoie J. P., Zhang X. F., Yi S.L., Li J. P. (2011) Vulnerability of worldwide pastoralism to global changes and interdisciplinary strategies for sustainable pastoralism. Ecology and Society. 16(2): 10. [online] URL: Dong Shikui, Li Jinpeng, Li Xiaoyan, Liu Shiliang, Zhao Qinghe (2011) Impacts of geo-physical factors and human disturbance on composition and diversity of roadside vegetation: A case study from Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve of Southwest China. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(72): 16228-16235.温璐, 董世魁, 朱磊, 施建军, 刘德梅, 王彦龙, 马玉寿 (2011) 环境因子和干扰强度对高寒草甸植物多样性空间分异的影响. 生态学报 31(7): 1844-1854. (24) 张兆苓,刘世梁,赵清贺,邓丽,董世魁. 道路对景观格局和土壤侵蚀的影响—以云南省凤庆县为例.土壤通报,2011,42(1):169-173.杨珏婕,刘世梁赵清贺,董世魁,张志明. 基于网络K 函数的西双版纳人工林空间格局及动态. 生态学报 2011, 31(23): 6734-6742.王聪, 刘世梁, 董世魁, 邓丽, 李晋鹏, 杨珏婕,杨恒学. 辽宁省营口生态市可持续发展评价研究.人口资源与环境. 2011, 21(5):10-14.盛美玲, 张相锋, 董世魁, 王峰, 陆文静, 王洪涛 (2010) 复合陶粒基质甲烷氧化能力评价. 环境污染与防治. 33(2): 40-43.Dong S. K., Li J. P., Li X. Y. (2010). Application of design theory for restoring the “black beach” degraded rangeland at the headwater areas of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 5(25)3542-2552.Chen D. D., Zhang S. H., Dong S. K., Wang X. T., Du G. Z. (2010) Effect of land-use on soil nutrients and microbial biomass of an alpine region on the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Land Degradation & Development 21(5):446-452.Feng R. Z., Long R. J., Shang Z. H., Ma Y. S., Dong S. K., Wang Y. L., (2010) Establishment of Elymus nutans improves soil quality of a heavily degraded alpine meadow in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Plant and Soil 327:403-411.Fu Wei, Liu Shiliang, Degloria Stephen, Dong Shikui, Beazley Robert (2010) Characterizing the fragmentationbarrier effect of road networks on landscape connectivity: A case study in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Landscape and urban planning 95(3): 122-129.Yang Zhifeng, Dong Shikui (2010) Understanding coupled human and natural systems in a changing world. Frontiers of Earth Science in China 2010, 4(1): 1-2.李小艳, 董世魁, 朱磊, 温璐 (2010) 三江源区高寒草地退化与恢复过程中二氧化碳净交换特征. 生态学杂志 29(10): 1944-1949.杨文静, 董世魁, 张相锋, 朱磊, 陆文静, 王洪涛 (2010) 不同生物覆盖层厚度对甲烷氧化的影响研究. 环境污染与防治. 32(7): 20-24.杨文静, 张相锋, 董世魁, 刘晓静, 温璐, 陆文静, 王洪涛 (2010) 一种新型垃圾填埋场生物覆盖层基质的甲烷氧化动力学研究. 中国沼气. 28 (3): 11-14, 24Dong S. K., Wen L., Zhu L., Li X. Y. (2010) Implication of coupled natural and human systems in sustainable rangeland ecosystem management in HKH region. Front. Earth Sci. China 2010, 4(1): 42–50.况亮, 秦玮, 董世魁, 刘世梁, 战金艳, 赵烨, 田甜, 钱清清, 曾思原 (2010) 公路建设对雾灵山自然保护区植被的影响. 生态学杂志 29(1): 146-151.张相锋, 杨文静, 董世魁, 陆文静, 王洪涛, 刘晓静 (2010) 生物覆盖层基质对垃圾填埋场甲烷氧化的影响. 生态环境学报19 (1): 72-76.Dong S. K., Wen L., Zhu L, Lassoie J. P., Yan Z. L., Shrestha K. K., D. Pariya and Sharma E. (2009) Indigenous yak and yak-cattle crossbreed management in high altitude areas of northern Nepal: A case study from Rasuwa district. African Journal of Agricultural Research 4 (10): 957-967. . (SCI收录).GU Menghe, DONG Shikui, DU Guozhen. 2009. Interspecific interactions in binary mixtures of Elymus nutans, Festuca sinensis and Festuca ovina on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 52:171-177.DONG S. K., LASSIOE J., SHRESTHA K.K., YAN Z. L., SHARMA E., PARIYA D. (2009) Institutional development for sustainable rangeland resource and ecosystem management in mountainous areas of northern Nepal. Journal of Environmental Management 90(2):994-1003.B. S. Cui, H. J. Zhai, S. K. Dong, B. Chen, and S. L. Liu (2009) Multivariate analysis of the effects of edaphic and topographical factors on plant distribution in the Yilong Lake Basin of Yun-Gui Plateau, China. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 89: 209-219.Hu Bo, Cui Baoshan, Dong Shikui, Zhai Hongjuan, Liu Zhaoyang (2009) Ecological Water Requirement (EWR) Analysis of High Mountain and Steep Gorge (HMSG) River—Application to Upper Lancang–Mekong River. Water Resource Management 23:341–366.杨文静, 董世魁, 张相锋, 刘晓静. (2009) 甲烷胁迫对绿地植物生理生态特性的影响. 生态学杂志28 (7): 1272-1276.张相锋, 马闯, 董世魁, 张文辉, 刘成新.(2009)不同草灌配比对泌桐高速公路护坡植物群落特征的影响. 草业学报18(4):27-34.DONG S. K. , CUI B. S., YANG Z. F., LIU S. L., LIU J., DING Z. K., ZHU J. J. YAO W. K., WEI G. L. (2008) The role of road disturbance in the dispersal and spread of Ageratina adenophora along the Dian–Myanmar International Road. Weed Research 48: 282–288.S.L. Liu, B.S. Cui, S.K. Dong, Z.F. Yang, M. Yanga, K. Holt (2008) Evaluating the influence of road networks on landscape and regional ecological risk—A case study in Lancang River Valley of Southwest China. Ecological Engineering 34: 91-99.董世魁, 张媛, 温璐, 朱磊.(2008) 探寻尼泊尔自然生态保护管理的有效模式. 环境保护,10A: 85-87.董世魁, 张媛, 温璐, 朱磊. (2008) 生物入侵:无声的灾难. 环境保护,8A: 50-54.董世魁, 崔保山, 丁宗凯, 王娟, 高丽娜, 赵淑清 (2008) 大保高速公路老营段路域植被生态恢复. 生态学报28(4): 1483-1490.董世魁, 崔保山, 刘世梁, 刘杰, 朱建军, 姚维科, 丁宗凯 (2008) 滇缅国际通道沿线紫茎泽兰(eupatorium adenophorum)的分布规律及其与环境因子的关系. 环境科学学报 28(2): 278-288.魏国良, 崔保山, 董世魁 等. , 2008. 水电开发对河流生态系统服务功能的影响——以澜沧江漫湾水电工程为例. 环境科学学报 28(2): 235-242.刘世梁, 崔保山, 温敏霞, 董世魁. (2008) 路域土壤重金属含量空间变异的影响因子. 环境科学学报 28(2): 253-260.任华丽, 崔保山, 白军红, 董世魁, 胡波, 赵慧 (2008) 哈尼梯田湿地核心区水稻土重金属分布与潜在的生态风险. 生态学报 28(4): 1625-1634.DONG S. K., GAO H. W., XU G. C., HOU X. Y., LONG R. J., KANG M. Y., LASSOIE P. J. (2007) Farmer and professional attitudes to the large-scale ban on livestock grazing of grasslands in China. Environmental Conservation 34 (3): 246–254.Dong S. K., Lassoie J. P., Yan Z. L., Sharma E., Shrestha K. K., Pariya D. (2007) Indigenous rangeland resource management in the mountainous areas of northern Nepal: a case study from the Rasuwa District. The Rangeland Journal 29: 149–160.Dong S. K., Kang M. Y., Long R. J., Yun X. J., Hu Z. Z. (2007) Economic comparison of annual crop, perennial pasture and native grassland forage production in the alpine region of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Grass and Forage Science. 62: 405–415.DONG S. K., CUI B. S., YANG Z. F., LIU S. L., LIU, J., WANG J., DING Z. K., GAO L. N., ZHAO S. Q. (2007) Species composition, plant cover and diversity of recently reforested wild lands near Dabao Highway in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region of Yunnan Province, China. African Journal of Biotechnology 6(24): 2810-2820.Xiangfeng Zhang, Shikui Dong, Xujiang Yun, Zizhi Hu (2007) Variation of productivity and nutritive values of oat (Avena sativa) with geographical locations in Gansu Province of Northwest China under irrigation and fertilization conditions. African Journal of Biotechnology 6(5): 553-560.Shikui Dong, Ruijun Long, Muyi Kang (2007) Milking performance of China yak (Bos grunniens): A preliminary report. 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