[Abstract]:In the design and analysis of prestressed concrete box girder bridge, the plane bar system calculation model is mainly used at present, which can not reflect the characteristics of spatial force and local force. Although the large-scale general structural analysis program (such as ANSYS, etc.) with solid element has the characteristics of powerful function and strong generality, it is difficult to complete the simulation calculation of prestress, live load and concrete shrinkage and creep if the prestressed concrete bridge is analyzed without secondary development. In view of this situation, Jiangsu Traffic Planning and Design Institute has developed the Prestressed concrete Box girder Fine numerical Simulation system (RNAS-PCBB) for many years, which can carry out the fine analysis of the solid element of the prestressed concrete bridge. Based on the core principle and application practice of "Prestressed concrete Box girder refinement numerical Simulation system", this paper expounds the selection of the constitutive model of concrete and steel bar in the analysis of prestressed concrete box girder bridge, and discusses the simulation method of preloading force in three-dimensional solid finite element model by using ANSYS and the three-dimensional solid modeling method of prestressed concrete box girder bridge. In this paper, the prestressed concrete box girder bridge is taken as the analysis object, combined with an engineering example, the spatial analysis model of the whole bridge is established, and the stress state analysis of the key parts is carried out considering the load condition of the three-way prestress. The shear lag effect of different cross sections along the longitudinal direction of the bridge is discussed. Considering the eccentricity of lane load in the model, the law of live load normal stress bias coefficient along the longitudinal bridge direction is considered. At the same time, the relationship between web beam distribution and stress distribution is analyzed, and the important role of web vertical prestress and downward bending beam in reducing the main tensile stress of web is pointed out. Finally, the local stress distribution of the bottom plate and the tooth plate under the action of prestress is studied, and the structural design measures to prevent the cracking of the bottom plate and the tooth plate in the process of construction and use are put forward. The research results have good application reference value for guiding the design of prestressed concrete beam bridge.
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