发布时间:2021-09-01 22:04
随着也门经济的发展,道路建设将在促进区域经济发展中发挥越来越不可或缺的角色。由于也门的高温、低降水率、施工质量不理想等诸多因素,新建公路经常出现沥青路面裂缝、凹坑、车辙、移位等现象。本文通过室内试验和理论分析,选择适合地区的沥青和沥青混合料品种,并提出相应的改进措施。本文首先对路面损坏的原因进行了调查,对局部沥青路面损坏的原因进行了分析和探讨。认为长时期的高温、沥青品种选择不当、路面结构组合不合理是造成路面有车辙破坏的主要原因。沥青测定性能分级法测定了沥青路面设计中的高温设计,通过对常用的70号基质沥青和SBS改性沥青在室内试验中进行对比试验,分析出了其高温指标。试验结果表明,也门常用的70号基质沥青难以满足要求。为了提高道路的抗车辙性能,路面表层应采用SBS改性沥青。然后本文选取当地常用的级配,参照中国有关沥青路面规范推荐的级配,进行室内配比试验,确定最优沥青含量,并制作车辙板进行车辙试验。试验结果表明,现有的抗车辙级配能力明显不足,并提出了改善级配和配合比的措施,最后路面采用AASHTO 1993设计规范对某实体工程进行了结构验算。
【文章来源】:西南交通大学四川省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:129 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Research Problem
1.3 Research Objectives
1.4 Thesis Organization and the Scope
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Overview
2.2 Geography of Yemen
2.3 Climate and the Imapct of Climate on Pavements
2.3.1 Vulnerability to Water
a)Binder Stripping
2.3.2 Vulnerability to Temperature
a)Age Hardening
2.4 Flexible Pavement
2.4.1 Surface Course
2.4.2 Binder Course
2.4.3 Base Course
2.4.4 Sub-Base Course
2.5 Damage Issues on Asphalt Pavement
2.5.1 Alligator Cracks
2.5.2 Block Cracking
2.5.3 Edge Cracking
2.5.4 Longitudinal Crack
2.5.5 Transverse Cracks
2.6 Material Specifications of Pavement Layers in Yemen
2.6.1 Asphalt and Aggregate Specifications
2.7 Construction Method of Asphalt Pavement
2.7.1 Mineral Aggregate Preparation
2.7.2 Bituminous Mixture Preparation
2.7.3 Transportation and Delivery the mixture
2.7.4 Spreading and Laying
2.7.5 Fine Spreading
2.7.6 Compaction of Mixture
2.8 Pavement Material Characteristics in this Research
2.8.1 Asphalt Cement
2.8.2 Aggregate
2.8.3 Mineral Powder
2.8.4 Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene
2.9 Previous Studies on the Temperature of Asphalt Pavement
2.9.1 Research on Obtaining Pavement Temperature Using Super-pave
a)Case Study in Sudan
a)Case Study in Libya,
2.10 AASHTO Method
2.10.1 Determine the change of Pavement Serviceability Index(△PSI)
2.10.2 Reliability(R)
2.10.3 Overall Standard Deviation(So)
2.10.4 Traffic Volume and Design Load
2.10.5 Resilient Modulus(MR)
2.10.6 Structural Number(SN)
2.10.7 Layer Coefficients
2.10.8 Quality of Drainage
2.10.9 Materials Used in the Pavement Layers
2.10.10 The Minimum Thickness of the Pavement
2.10.11 The Pavement Thickness Calculation
2.11 Pavement Design Based on ASHTO,1993
2.11.1 Traffic
2.11.2 Equivalent Standard Axle Loads(EASLs)
2.11.3 Variables of Pavement Design
2.11.4 The Thickness of the Pavement Structure
Chapter 3 Experimental work
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Super-Pave Performance Grading
3.2.1 SHRP High-Temperature Model
3.2.2 SHRP Low-Temperature Model
3.3 Asphalt Cement Binders Evaluation
3.3.1 Penetration Test
3.3.2 Ductility Test
3.3.3 Softening Point Test
3.3.4 Sticky Toughness and Hardness Test
3.4 Asphalt Binder Specification and result
3.5 Marshal Test
3.5.1 Aggregate Selection
3.5.2 Asphalt Binder Selection
3.6 Preparation of Test Samples
3.6.1 Preliminary Steps to Prepare the Sample
3.6.2 Preparing the Samples
3.6.3 The Mixing Processes
3.6.4 Compacted Process
3.6.5 Examination Stage Sample Height Calculating The specific gravity for asphalt mixture samples(Gmb)
3.7 Stability and Flow Test
3.8 Preparation of Marshall Mix Design
3.8.1 Marshal Specimens Preparation
3.8.2 Marshal Stability and Flow Test
3.8.3 Determination of Design Asphalt Content
3.8.4 Marshall Graphs Analysis
3.9 Rutting Test
3.9.1Test Result Analysis
3.10 Freeze-thaw Test
3.10.1 Splitting Tensile Strength(STS)Result
Chapter 4 Prediction Models of Pavement Temperature and Pavement Structural Design
4.1 Background of SHRP
4.1.1 Phases of the Super-Pave System
4.1.2 SUPERPAVE Mix Design Concept
4.2 Pavement Temperature
4.3 Super-pave Model(SHRP)
4.3.1 High-Temperature Model
4.3.2 Low-Temperature Model
4.4 Long Term Pavement Performance Program(LTTP)
4.4.1 High-Temperature Model with Reliability
4.4.2 Low-Temperature Model with Reliability
4.5 Temperature Garde
4.6 Temperature Data Base
4.6.1 Climate Data Collection
4.6.2 High and Low Air Temperature
4.7 Climate Zones
4.7.1 Coastal Plains Zone
4.7.2 Yemeni Mountain Zone
4.8 Temperature Data Analysis
4.8.1 Analysis of Statistical Data
a)SHARP Model of High-Temperature
b)SHARP Model of Low-Temperature
4.8.2 Converting Air Temperature to Pavement Temperature and Choosing PG
4.8.3 The Final Performance Grade(PG)
4.9 Pavement Design Based on ASHTO,1993
4.9.1 Traffic
4.9.2 Equivalent Standard Axle Loads(EASLs)
4.9.3 Variables of Pavement Design
4.9.4 The Thickness of the Pavement Structure
4.10.2 Distinctive specification features between Yemen and China
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendations
Appendix 1
Appendix 2:List of Abbreviations
【文章来源】:西南交通大学四川省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:129 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Research Problem
1.3 Research Objectives
1.4 Thesis Organization and the Scope
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Overview
2.2 Geography of Yemen
2.3 Climate and the Imapct of Climate on Pavements
2.3.1 Vulnerability to Water
a)Binder Stripping
2.3.2 Vulnerability to Temperature
a)Age Hardening
2.4 Flexible Pavement
2.4.1 Surface Course
2.4.2 Binder Course
2.4.3 Base Course
2.4.4 Sub-Base Course
2.5 Damage Issues on Asphalt Pavement
2.5.1 Alligator Cracks
2.5.2 Block Cracking
2.5.3 Edge Cracking
2.5.4 Longitudinal Crack
2.5.5 Transverse Cracks
2.6 Material Specifications of Pavement Layers in Yemen
2.6.1 Asphalt and Aggregate Specifications
2.7 Construction Method of Asphalt Pavement
2.7.1 Mineral Aggregate Preparation
2.7.2 Bituminous Mixture Preparation
2.7.3 Transportation and Delivery the mixture
2.7.4 Spreading and Laying
2.7.5 Fine Spreading
2.7.6 Compaction of Mixture
2.8 Pavement Material Characteristics in this Research
2.8.1 Asphalt Cement
2.8.2 Aggregate
2.8.3 Mineral Powder
2.8.4 Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene
2.9 Previous Studies on the Temperature of Asphalt Pavement
2.9.1 Research on Obtaining Pavement Temperature Using Super-pave
a)Case Study in Sudan
a)Case Study in Libya,
2.10 AASHTO Method
2.10.1 Determine the change of Pavement Serviceability Index(△PSI)
2.10.2 Reliability(R)
2.10.3 Overall Standard Deviation(So)
2.10.4 Traffic Volume and Design Load
2.10.5 Resilient Modulus(MR)
2.10.6 Structural Number(SN)
2.10.7 Layer Coefficients
2.10.8 Quality of Drainage
2.10.9 Materials Used in the Pavement Layers
2.10.10 The Minimum Thickness of the Pavement
2.10.11 The Pavement Thickness Calculation
2.11 Pavement Design Based on ASHTO,1993
2.11.1 Traffic
2.11.2 Equivalent Standard Axle Loads(EASLs)
2.11.3 Variables of Pavement Design
2.11.4 The Thickness of the Pavement Structure
Chapter 3 Experimental work
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Super-Pave Performance Grading
3.2.1 SHRP High-Temperature Model
3.2.2 SHRP Low-Temperature Model
3.3 Asphalt Cement Binders Evaluation
3.3.1 Penetration Test
3.3.2 Ductility Test
3.3.3 Softening Point Test
3.3.4 Sticky Toughness and Hardness Test
3.4 Asphalt Binder Specification and result
3.5 Marshal Test
3.5.1 Aggregate Selection
3.5.2 Asphalt Binder Selection
3.6 Preparation of Test Samples
3.6.1 Preliminary Steps to Prepare the Sample
3.6.2 Preparing the Samples
3.6.3 The Mixing Processes
3.6.4 Compacted Process
3.6.5 Examination Stage Sample Height Calculating The specific gravity for asphalt mixture samples(Gmb)
3.7 Stability and Flow Test
3.8 Preparation of Marshall Mix Design
3.8.1 Marshal Specimens Preparation
3.8.2 Marshal Stability and Flow Test
3.8.3 Determination of Design Asphalt Content
3.8.4 Marshall Graphs Analysis
3.9 Rutting Test
3.9.1Test Result Analysis
3.10 Freeze-thaw Test
3.10.1 Splitting Tensile Strength(STS)Result
Chapter 4 Prediction Models of Pavement Temperature and Pavement Structural Design
4.1 Background of SHRP
4.1.1 Phases of the Super-Pave System
4.1.2 SUPERPAVE Mix Design Concept
4.2 Pavement Temperature
4.3 Super-pave Model(SHRP)
4.3.1 High-Temperature Model
4.3.2 Low-Temperature Model
4.4 Long Term Pavement Performance Program(LTTP)
4.4.1 High-Temperature Model with Reliability
4.4.2 Low-Temperature Model with Reliability
4.5 Temperature Garde
4.6 Temperature Data Base
4.6.1 Climate Data Collection
4.6.2 High and Low Air Temperature
4.7 Climate Zones
4.7.1 Coastal Plains Zone
4.7.2 Yemeni Mountain Zone
4.8 Temperature Data Analysis
4.8.1 Analysis of Statistical Data
a)SHARP Model of High-Temperature
b)SHARP Model of Low-Temperature
4.8.2 Converting Air Temperature to Pavement Temperature and Choosing PG
4.8.3 The Final Performance Grade(PG)
4.9 Pavement Design Based on ASHTO,1993
4.9.1 Traffic
4.9.2 Equivalent Standard Axle Loads(EASLs)
4.9.3 Variables of Pavement Design
4.9.4 The Thickness of the Pavement Structure
4.10.2 Distinctive specification features between Yemen and China
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendations
Appendix 1
Appendix 2:List of Abbreviations