发布时间:2021-12-24 20:09
自1977年独立以来,吉布提选择优先发展服务经济,由于国家在非洲之角地区占据地缘战略地位,这赋予其作为一个具有区域和地区的过境和分拨中心的枢纽作用,吉布提政府选择并实施了旨在逐步发展运输链的项目。吉布提在国际航运中的地理位置优越,处于海上干线航线交叉的十字路口,拥有先进的港口基础设施、道路基础设施,特别是多功能港口(DMP Doraleh)和多拉莱港集装箱码头(Doraleh containerterminal),构成港口活动的核心,在国民经济中的起着重要作用。位于非洲之角的吉布提面积为23,000平方公里的小国,人口约100万,这个有争端的地区,也有着独特的安全气候,美国,法国和中国的主要军事基地的存在加强了这种安全。如今,这两个港口必须满足大的船公司和大型船舶的业务要求,然而专用于港口发展的公共预算不足,导致环境和社会问题日益严重。除了港口设施,陆上服务的可靠性和质量,也是船公司选择港口的决定性因素。船公司需要港口能够根据船舶的大小及其装载计划提供服务,尽可能让船舶花费最短的等待时间,使转运合理化,还要求安全快捷的集疏运服务。本研究归纳了集装箱码头的生产率、绩效、盈利能力等概念,提...
【文章来源】:大连海事大学辽宁省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:64 页
CHAPTER1: introduction
1.1 background
1.2 literature review
1.3 research ideas and content
1.3.1 Main content
1.3.2 Technical route
CHAPTER2: Related concepts and basic theories
2.1 Related Concept
2.1.1 Container Port area
2.1.2 Productivity: Definition of the term
2.1.3 container port/terminal Competitiveness
2.2 Basic theories
2.2.1 factors affecting container port/terminal Competitiveness
2.2.2 container port/terminal Competitiveness Index System
2.3 Evaluation Methods
CHAPTER3: Status Analysis of Doraleh Container Terminal (DCT)
3.1 Description of the Doraleh Container Terminal
3.1.1 Historic Port of Doraleh
3.1.2 Geo-location of the terminal
3.1.3 ISO standards(International Standard organization)
3.2 Special feature of the Doraleh container terminal
3.2.1 Capacity and storage space
3.2.2 Port infrastructures
3.3 The departments within the Doraleh Terminal
3.3.1 Departments operation (planning)
3.3.2 QHSE Department (Quality Hygiene Safety and Environment)
3.3.3 Gate Department
3.3.4 Billing department
CHAPTER4: Productivity/efficiency evaluation of Doraleh container terminal
4.1 Indicators and means of measuring productivity
4.1.1 Productivity indicators
4.1.2 Means of measuring productivity
4.2 The productivity and efficiency of the Doraleh Container Terminal
4.2.1 Productivity per ship
4.2.2 Team productivity
4.2.3 The theoretical and real productivity of infrastructures
CHAPTER5: the analysis and evaluation of the overall performance of the Doraleh container terminal
5.1 Port performance indicators and DCT container traffic evaluation
5.1.1 Performance indicators of a port
5.1.2 The evolution of containerized traffic of the DCT
5.2 Comparative study between the terminal of the DCT and those of the region in terms ofperformance
5.2.1 Port of Mombasa
5.2.2 Port of Sudan
5.3 Recommendation to achieve good productivity and better performance
【文章来源】:大连海事大学辽宁省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:64 页
CHAPTER1: introduction
1.1 background
1.2 literature review
1.3 research ideas and content
1.3.1 Main content
1.3.2 Technical route
CHAPTER2: Related concepts and basic theories
2.1 Related Concept
2.1.1 Container Port area
2.1.2 Productivity: Definition of the term
2.1.3 container port/terminal Competitiveness
2.2 Basic theories
2.2.1 factors affecting container port/terminal Competitiveness
2.2.2 container port/terminal Competitiveness Index System
2.3 Evaluation Methods
CHAPTER3: Status Analysis of Doraleh Container Terminal (DCT)
3.1 Description of the Doraleh Container Terminal
3.1.1 Historic Port of Doraleh
3.1.2 Geo-location of the terminal
3.1.3 ISO standards(International Standard organization)
3.2 Special feature of the Doraleh container terminal
3.2.1 Capacity and storage space
3.2.2 Port infrastructures
3.3 The departments within the Doraleh Terminal
3.3.1 Departments operation (planning)
3.3.2 QHSE Department (Quality Hygiene Safety and Environment)
3.3.3 Gate Department
3.3.4 Billing department
CHAPTER4: Productivity/efficiency evaluation of Doraleh container terminal
4.1 Indicators and means of measuring productivity
4.1.1 Productivity indicators
4.1.2 Means of measuring productivity
4.2 The productivity and efficiency of the Doraleh Container Terminal
4.2.1 Productivity per ship
4.2.2 Team productivity
4.2.3 The theoretical and real productivity of infrastructures
CHAPTER5: the analysis and evaluation of the overall performance of the Doraleh container terminal
5.1 Port performance indicators and DCT container traffic evaluation
5.1.1 Performance indicators of a port
5.1.2 The evolution of containerized traffic of the DCT
5.2 Comparative study between the terminal of the DCT and those of the region in terms ofperformance
5.2.1 Port of Mombasa
5.2.2 Port of Sudan
5.3 Recommendation to achieve good productivity and better performance