发布时间:2019-02-28 16:09
【摘要】:随着我国千万千瓦级大型风电基地逐步并网,电力系统中风电渗透率急剧升高。然而,过高的风电渗透率不但使系统惯量减小,还可能会对系统阻尼特性产生不利影响,严重威胁到实际电力系统的安全稳定运行。因此,研究大规模风电并网对系统功率振荡和阻尼特性的影响是目前亟待解决的问题。当前大多数文献中风电场并网特性研究采用自定义的风电机组模型,模型的有效性得不到保证,研究结果可信度降低;并且,传统的研究方法大多只关注了风电场并网对系统中原有振荡模式的影响,而较少研究风电场并网引入的功率振荡模式。针对上述问题,本文采用特征值分析,结合时域仿真和prony分析法,对大规模风电场并网进行了以下研究:(1)详细阐述了美国西部电力协调委员会(Western Electricity Coordinating Council,WECC)Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型风电机组通用动态模型的建模原则与模型结构,通过仿真验证简要对比了两代模型的差异,指出了第二代通用动态模型的改进部分,阐明了应用第二代风电机组通用动态模型的必要性。(2)基于第二代Ⅲ型风电机组通用动态模型,结合小干扰特征值分析、时域仿真和prony分析,揭示了一个Ⅲ型风电机组/场并网会产生一对频率较高的功率振荡模式,通过参与因子验证此振荡模式与风电机组的控制变量强相关。随着风电渗透率的提高,这种控制模式阻尼减小,最终驱动系统功率振荡,导致系统小干扰失稳。由此表明风电渗透率提高后,电力系统除了以往的功角稳定性问题外,还可能会产生一种新的稳定形态,即风电机组控制模式稳定性。(3)基于第二代Ⅳ型风电机组通用动态模型,研究发现一个Ⅳ型风电机组/场接入电网,会引入1对与风电机组的功角和转速相关的共模“风机机电振荡模式”。这一新型的“风机机电振荡模式”能通过变流器传播到电网,而且会在风电机组之间产生较强的相互作用,且只与Ⅳ型风电机组的功角和转速强相关,而与变流器电气控制弱相关。随着风电渗透率的提高,“风机机电振荡模式”的阻尼逐渐变弱而最终引起系统小干扰失稳。
[Abstract]:With the grid connection of thousands of kilowatt wind power bases in China, the permeability of wind power in power system increases sharply. However, the excessive wind power permeability not only reduces the inertia of the system, but also may adversely affect the damping characteristics of the system, which seriously threatens the safe and stable operation of the actual power system. Therefore, it is an urgent problem to study the influence of large-scale wind power grid connection on the power oscillation and damping characteristics of the system. At present, the wind turbine model is used in the research of the grid-connected characteristics of stroke electric field in most literatures. The validity of the model is not guaranteed, and the reliability of the research results is reduced. Moreover, most of the traditional research methods only pay attention to the influence of grid-connected wind farm on the original oscillation modes in the system, but seldom study the power oscillation modes introduced by the grid-connected wind farms. In order to solve these problems, this paper uses eigenvalue analysis, time domain simulation and prony analysis to study the grid connection of large-scale wind farms as follows: (1) the (Western Electricity Coordinating Council, of the Western Power Coordination Committee of the United States is described in detail. The modeling principle and model structure of the general dynamic model of WECC) type 鈪,
[Abstract]:With the grid connection of thousands of kilowatt wind power bases in China, the permeability of wind power in power system increases sharply. However, the excessive wind power permeability not only reduces the inertia of the system, but also may adversely affect the damping characteristics of the system, which seriously threatens the safe and stable operation of the actual power system. Therefore, it is an urgent problem to study the influence of large-scale wind power grid connection on the power oscillation and damping characteristics of the system. At present, the wind turbine model is used in the research of the grid-connected characteristics of stroke electric field in most literatures. The validity of the model is not guaranteed, and the reliability of the research results is reduced. Moreover, most of the traditional research methods only pay attention to the influence of grid-connected wind farm on the original oscillation modes in the system, but seldom study the power oscillation modes introduced by the grid-connected wind farms. In order to solve these problems, this paper uses eigenvalue analysis, time domain simulation and prony analysis to study the grid connection of large-scale wind farms as follows: (1) the (Western Electricity Coordinating Council, of the Western Power Coordination Committee of the United States is described in detail. The modeling principle and model structure of the general dynamic model of WECC) type 鈪,