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发布时间:2018-01-07 21:03

  本文关键词:计及分布式发电的配电网重构 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 分布式发电 配网重构 粒子群算法 图论

【摘要】:分布式发电作为一种新型的供电方式,以其投资少、装配灵活、新能源利用率高等优点,迅速的在电力系统中得到了应用。作为智能电网中的一个重要环节,智能配电网由于直接与用电负荷相连,受用电负荷的波动影响较大,配电网的运行状态也比较复杂。当分布式电源接入配电网后,将会对配电网的运行状态产生严重的影响,传统的配网分析方法可能不再适用于加入分布式电源的配电网。配网重构作为配网优化的一个重要手段,研究新的发展趋势下接入分布式电源(distributed generation,简称DG)的配网重构,可以有效的减少网络损耗,改善电压质量以及提高供电可靠性,对配网乃至整个大电网的运行具有重要的意义。本文通过对国内外研究的学习分析,对含分布式电源的配网重构问题进行了自己的研究。首先研究了传统配电网的重构方法,包括采用数字优化技术的重构算法、支路交换算法、最优流模式算法和基于人工智能算法的配网重构算法,分别分析了各自的原理以及优缺点。同时分析了主流分布式电源的模型以及各自的特性,介绍了当DG接入配网后对配网在潮流、电压质量、供电可靠性等方面的影响。然后针对传统配电网,本文在标准粒子群算法的基础上,加入了修复策略来对配网进行重构。修复策略是以图论理论为基础,规定了重构过程中的粒子需要满足的三条规则,来保证每次迭代计算中产生的新的配网结构都能够满足配网的辐射状约束。在算法编码中,针对配网中的开关全部闭合时的环网数量来定义粒子的维度数,减少了粒子的维度数量,使得迭代计算中更加简洁。本文以IEEE69节点系统和一个典型的84节点的配网系统为算例,分析验证了本文方法的有效性。最后针对加入DG的配电网,本文建立了接入DG后的配网重构模型,应用本文的方法研究了结合DG出力和配网重构的共同优化方案,得出在固定DG位置的前提下,优化DG的出力情况和配网的重构方案使得整个配网的损耗达到最小。通过加入DG的69节点系统进行了算例分析验证。
[Abstract]:As a new type of power supply, distributed generation has been rapidly applied in power system because of its advantages such as less investment, flexible assembly and high utilization of new energy. It is an important part of smart grid. Because smart distribution network is directly connected with power load, it is greatly affected by the fluctuation of power load, and the operation state of distribution network is more complicated. The traditional distribution network analysis method may not be suitable for the distribution network with distributed generation. Distribution network reconfiguration as an important means of distribution network optimization. Research on the distribution network reconfiguration of distributed generation (DG) access to distributed power generation (DG) under the new development trend can effectively reduce the network loss. The improvement of voltage quality and the reliability of power supply are of great significance to the operation of distribution network and even the whole power grid. In this paper, the reconfiguration of distribution network with distributed generation is studied. Firstly, the reconfiguration methods of traditional distribution network are studied, including the reconstruction algorithm using digital optimization technology and branch switching algorithm. The optimal flow pattern algorithm and the distribution network reconstruction algorithm based on artificial intelligence algorithm are analyzed, respectively, their principles, advantages and disadvantages, and the model of mainstream distributed power supply and their characteristics are analyzed. This paper introduces the influence of DG on power flow, voltage quality and power supply reliability when DG is connected to distribution network. Then, for traditional distribution network, this paper is based on standard particle swarm optimization algorithm. The restoration strategy is based on graph theory and three rules that the particles need to meet in the reconstruction process are defined. To ensure that the new distribution network structure generated in each iteration can meet the radiation constraints of the distribution network. In the algorithm coding, the number of particle dimensions is defined according to the number of loops when the switches in the distribution network are all closed. This paper takes IEEE69 node system and a typical 84-bus distribution network system as an example. Finally, for the distribution network with DG, the reconfiguration model of distribution network after access to DG is established. By using the method of this paper, the joint optimization scheme combining DG output and distribution network reconstruction is studied, and the premise of fixed DG position is obtained. The optimization of DG and the reconfiguration scheme of distribution network make the loss of the whole distribution network to be minimized. An example of 69 node system with DG is given.


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