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发布时间:2018-01-18 06:24

  本文关键词:基于tracepro的LED二次配光设计 出处:《湖北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 非成像光学 自由曲面 LED透镜

【摘要】:以LED照明为代表的半导体照明,经历了大概40年的迅速发展,至今已经进入高速发展时期,具有很多传统光源不具备的优点,被认为是21世纪最具有应用价值的新型光源,正愈来愈多地应用于背光、投影显示、室内外照明和新能源等诸多领域。 本文介绍了非成像光学的发展进程,以及非成像光学在照明系统的应用概况。本文详细讨论了非成像光学中的能量收集率,光学扩展量,拉格朗日不变量在照明光学系统中的概念以及面间能量最大率与光学扩展量,拉格朗日不变量之间的关系,为后面自由曲面的设计的算法奠定理论基础。 同时本文对LED的配光器件进行分类,并详细的阐述了各个配光器件的性质,给出各个配光器件的母线方程;结合圆形和矩形光斑复合抛物面聚光器的设计实例,介绍了光学仿真软件Tracepro的使用。 为了实现均匀的照明光斑分布,需要设计各个角度光斑均匀分布的透镜,概述了一般自由透镜的设计方法并对各个方法的优缺点进行讨论,本文采取直接法设计旋转对称的自由曲面的LED透镜的基本思路,为了简化计算,根据光源特性以及目标照明平面的光斑分布,采用光能计算结合边缘光线理论的设计方法,将二阶非线性方程简化成一阶拟线性偏微分方程,大大降低了求解难度。基于该方法设计了设计产生一个120°×60°的均匀矩形光斑透镜,tracepro仿真结果可以看出光斑为矩形,边缘光滑,光照均匀,光线接收率大于85%。
[Abstract]:Semiconductor lighting, represented by LED lighting, has experienced about 40 years of rapid development, and has entered a period of rapid development, which has many advantages that traditional light sources do not have. In 21th century, it is considered to be the most valuable new light source, which is more and more used in many fields, such as backlight, projection display, indoor and outdoor lighting and new energy sources. In this paper, the development of non-imaging optics and the application of non-imaging optics in lighting systems are introduced. The energy collection rate and optical spread in non-imaging optics are discussed in detail. The concept of Lagrange invariant in illuminating optical system and the relationship between the maximum energy rate and optical extension and Lagrange invariants lay a theoretical foundation for the design algorithm of the following free-form surface. At the same time, the light distribution devices of LED are classified, and the properties of each light distribution device are described in detail, and the generatrix equation of each light distribution device is given. The application of optical simulation software Tracepro is introduced in combination with the design examples of circular and rectangular optical spot composite parabolic concentrators. In order to realize the uniform distribution of illumination spot, it is necessary to design the lens with uniform distribution of light spots at all angles. The design method of general free lens is summarized and the advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed. In this paper, we adopt the direct method to design the LED lens of rotation-symmetric free-form surface. In order to simplify the calculation, according to the characteristics of the light source and the spot distribution of the target illumination plane. The second order nonlinear equation is simplified into a first order quasilinear partial differential equation by using the design method of light energy calculation and edge ray theory. Based on this method, a 120 掳脳 60 掳uniform rectangular speckle lens is designed. The simulation results show that the spot is rectangular and the edge is smooth. The light is uniform and the receiving rate of light is more than 85.


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