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发布时间:2018-01-25 09:46

  本文关键词: 分布式电源 配电网 能效指标 综合评价模型 出处:《北京交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:摘要:传统化石燃料日趋减少、环境污染日益加剧、恶劣气候状况频发已成为全球性课题,可再生清洁能源的应用和开发正逐渐占据各国能源战略的制高点。电力作为目前应用最为广泛的能源利用方式,增加可再生清洁能源在发电环节比重是电力行业目前阶段发展的必然选择。此外,随着风力发电、光伏发电等分布式电源迅速发展,与分布式电源并网相关技术和分布式电源出力的消纳相关课题的研究成为电气工程学科热门研究领域。 由于传统的配电网是以用户侧无源为基础设计的,大量的分布式电源并入配电网给配电网运行和设计规划等方面带来了一系列问题。由于风电、光伏发电等分布式发电技术本身具有间歇性和波动性的特点,其接入配电网后会改变配电网原有的单向的潮流流向,并对配电网输电网损、配电网供电质量以及配电网运行可靠性等方面带来影响。本文通过搭建风电、光伏发电两种最为常见的分布式电源模型接入11OkV配电网的仿真模型来研究分布式电源接入配电网后与网损相关的运行指标的变化情况,结合文中所提出综合评价模型来评价配电网能效水平,并根据其当前能效水平找出提升能效的建议与方法。 论文首先对目前常用的几种分布式电源技术的应用和发展现状以及各自优缺点做了介绍。并对研究了双馈式风力发电和光伏发电发电原理和出力数学模型。 其次,本文在MATLAB/Simulink仿真平台下搭建光伏发电系统和由双馈式风机组成的风电场以及5节点的11OkV配电网主电路。论文中研究了两种分布式电源并网前相关控制,包括搭建了PWM整流器、DC/DC斩波器以及风电、光伏发电功率控制策略模型。在将两种分布式电源接入配电网过程中,通过调整接入节点位置、接入分布式电源容量以及分布式电源出力的功率因数,通过仿真观察各节点电流、电压变化情况,来推算输电线路网损变化、谐波畸变率、三相电压不平衡度等配电网运行参数。 最后,目前针对于分布式电源接入后配电网的能效评估方法单一、缺乏针对性的现状,本文基于分布式电源接入配电网的仿真数据,结合多种数学评价方法,构建了6个输入指标和2个输出指标的能效评价指标体系。通过仿真和配电网实际运行数据结合评价方法中指标权重的计算模型来计算出各指标权重。结合层次分析法、数据包络法、灰色关联度分析法形成了适用于本文的新型综合评价模型。上述新方法对于分布式电源接入配电网后配电网能效水平的评价更有科学性和针对性,为配电网能效评估和配电网系统节能降损的实施提供了思路和方法。
[Abstract]:Absrtact: with the decrease of traditional fossil fuels and the worsening of environmental pollution, the frequent occurrence of bad weather conditions has become a global issue. The application and development of renewable clean energy is gradually occupying the commanding point of national energy strategy. Increasing the proportion of renewable clean energy in power generation is the inevitable choice in the current stage of the development of the power industry. In addition, with the rapid development of wind power, photovoltaic and other distributed power generation. The research of the technology related to the connection of distributed power supply and the power output of distributed power supply has become a hot research field in electrical engineering. Because the traditional distribution network is designed on the basis of passive user side, a large number of distributed power sources are incorporated into the distribution network, which brings a series of problems to the distribution network operation and design planning. Distributed generation technology, such as photovoltaic generation, has the characteristics of intermittence and volatility. It will change the original one-way power flow direction of distribution network after it is connected to the distribution network, and the transmission losses of distribution network will also be changed. Distribution network power supply quality and distribution network operation reliability and other aspects of the impact. The two most common distributed power generation models are connected to the 11OkV distribution network simulation model to study the distribution network distribution network distribution network distribution network after the distribution network related to the operational indicators of the changes. Combined with the comprehensive evaluation model proposed in this paper, the energy efficiency level of distribution network is evaluated, and according to its current energy efficiency level, the suggestions and methods to improve energy efficiency are found out. Firstly, this paper introduces the application and development of several distributed power generation technologies and their advantages and disadvantages, and studies the principle and mathematical model of doubly-fed wind power generation and photovoltaic power generation. Second. In this paper, photovoltaic power generation system, wind farm composed of doubly-fed fan and main circuit of 11OkV distribution network with 5 nodes are built on MATLAB/Simulink simulation platform. In this paper, two kinds of photovoltaic power generation system are studied. Related control before distributed power is connected to grid. Including the PWM rectifier DC / DC chopper and wind power, photovoltaic generation power control strategy model. In the process of connecting the two distributed sources to the distribution network, by adjusting the access node position. Connecting the power factor of the distributed power supply and the capacity of the distributed power supply, the change of transmission line loss and harmonic distortion can be calculated by observing the change of the node current and voltage through simulation. Three-phase voltage imbalance and other distribution network operation parameters. Finally, in view of the distribution network energy efficiency evaluation method after distributed power access is single, lack of targeted status, this paper based on distributed power supply access distribution network simulation data, combined with a variety of mathematical evaluation methods. The energy efficiency evaluation index system of 6 input indexes and 2 output indexes is constructed. The index weights are calculated by simulation and the calculation model of index weight in the actual operation data of distribution network. Analytical method. The data envelopment method and the grey correlation analysis method have formed a new comprehensive evaluation model suitable for this paper. These new methods are more scientific and targeted for the evaluation of distribution network energy efficiency level after the distributed generation is connected to the distribution network. It provides ideas and methods for energy efficiency evaluation of distribution network and the implementation of energy saving and loss reduction in distribution network system.


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