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发布时间:2018-05-17 09:19

  本文选题:反激 + 高效率 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The dynamic characteristic of switching power supply is one of its many performance indexes. The switching power supply with good dynamic characteristics has the ability of quick response to load change, higher regulation precision and better stability. Small signal modeling of switching power supply loop is a common method to analyze and design its dynamic characteristics. However, in practical application, it is difficult to model the small signal of switching power supply loop because of the large use of switching power management chip and isolation transformer and other nonlinear devices. In this paper, the modeling process of the application topology of a high-efficiency flyback switching power supply management chip is derived from the practical engineering application, and its loop stability is analyzed and designed to obtain good dynamic response characteristics. Understanding and mastering the working principle and control process of common switching converter topology is the foundation of small signal modeling of switching converter. Starting from the working principle of switching power supply, this paper analyzes the working principles of several basic topologies, and introduces the basic modeling methods suitable for various topologies, including the small signal modeling method, the state space averaging method, the small signal modeling method and the state space averaging method. Switching device model equivalent method. Then, in order to design the compensation network of the application circuit of the flyback switch power supply management chip, this paper does the following work: firstly, the basic principle of the power management chip used in this paper is briefly introduced. In order to make the open-loop characteristic analysis of flyback converter topology more concise, the application circuit is modularized. Then, in the process of analyzing the pulse width modulator (PWM), the design process of a multi-mode PWM controller is introduced. The controller improves the adaptability to different loads and greatly reduces the switching loss so as to achieve the purpose of high efficiency. Although the introduction of this kind of multi-mode has brought some difficulties in circuit design, it can be seen from theoretical analysis that it does not complicate the loop analysis. Finally, the main circuit model is established and the transfer function is obtained. Combined with the previous PWM transfer function, the transfer function with the compensation part of the circuit is obtained. According to the design goal and switching power supply compensation criterion, the compensation network is designed with mathematical analysis software to obtain the best dynamic response. The simulation and test results show that the design of this paper basically meets the expected requirements. This has very good reference meaning to the engineering practice.


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