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发布时间:2018-05-27 23:43

  本文选题:堆内构件发热率 + 离散纵标方法 ; 参考:《核动力工程》2014年S2期

【摘要】:采用三维离散纵标(SN)方法程序TORT计算了CAP1400核电厂堆内构件发热率,并将计算结果与蒙特卡罗(MC)方法程序MCNP以及两维SN方法程序DORT计算结果进行比较。在针对反应堆模型进行屏蔽设计时,需求解固定源问题,应用西屋公司开发的SORCERY程序将pin by pin堆芯功率分布转换为三维源分布。由于CAP1400反应堆模型较大,固定源的制作会消耗大量的计算机硬件资源,同时也会超出SORCERY程序本身的计算规模限制,为此开发了外源制作辅助程序PSOR,使TORT程序适用于CAP1400等大规模工程问题的计算。
[Abstract]:The heating rate of nuclear components in CAP1400 nuclear power plant is calculated by using the three-dimensional discrete longitudinal marker (TORT) program. The calculated results are compared with the results obtained by Monte Carlo method (MCNP) and two dimensional SN method (DORT). In the shielding design of reactor model, the fixed source problem is solved. The SORCERY program developed by Westinghouse is used to transform the power distribution of pin by pin core into three-dimensional source distribution. Because of the large model of CAP1400 reactor, the production of fixed source will consume a lot of computer hardware resources, and it will also exceed the calculation scale limit of SORCERY program itself. In this paper, an auxiliary program PSOR is developed, which makes the TORT program suitable for the calculation of large scale engineering problems such as CAP1400.
【作者单位】: 上海核工程研究设计院;


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