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发布时间:2018-06-05 11:46

  本文选题:无人值守 + 配电站房 ; 参考:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着配电站房在城市配电网络中的地位越来越重要,电力系统迫切需要有效掌握其动力运行环境的信息,而目前的配网自动化尚未有效延伸到此领域。本文从电力系统维护的实际需求出发,组织设计和实现一种能适用于小区配电站房动力环境监控,适应电力系统自身特点,能够既能稳定地运行,同时运行成本又经济的监控管理系统。本文首先从机房环境监控系统的两种基本模式入手,分析对比工控机+采集卡+组态软件和服务器+嵌入式软件两种形式的架构,从通用接口总线能力、集成能力、工业环境下的稳定性等方而进行比选,选择适合解决方案的技术路线,并通过分析几种适用于自动化监控的有线和无线通信方式,对其信道特点、通信容量、稳定性和经济性进行比选,选定适合小规模、快速组网的通信方式用于本系统。同时分析各主流数据库的优劣,确定了MY SQL数据库用于本系统。其次,硬件系统采用目前动力环境集中监控系统中最广泛应用的三级汇接结构,即由本地网监控中心SC、区域监控站SS和现场监控单元SU组成,并详细阐述其下变压器采集、温湿度、安防、消防、门禁等各业务单元模块基本原理,选取适用于工业环境的FCS现场控制总线用于各模块与集中监控主机的互联通信。软件系统运用控制工程界主流的组态软件,设计了系统的工作方式和数据处理的流程,规划了系统的功能模块。最后,利用本文的研究成果,对一新建小区配电房进行改造,实现了在局方远程对其配变电压、电流、有功功率、无功功率、功率因素的用电信息的监视,同时将温湿度监控,门禁监控、漏水感应监控、视频监控内容整合到同一套系统内,实现了动力环境的综合监控,并预留拓展功能,加入第二站房,总结分析了安装调试过程中出现的问题,积累了宝贵的运行经验。
[Abstract]:With the increasingly important status of distribution stations in urban distribution networks, the power system urgently needs to effectively grasp the information of its power operation environment, but the current distribution automation has not been effectively extended to this field. Based on the actual demand of power system maintenance, this paper designs and implements a kind of power environment monitoring system, which can be applied to the power environment monitoring of the distribution station in the residential area, adapt to the characteristics of the power system itself, and can run stably. At the same time operating cost and economic monitoring and management system. This paper begins with two basic models of computer room environment monitoring system, analyzes and compares the configuration software of industrial computer data acquisition card and the embedded software of server, from the general interface bus ability, the integration ability. Comparing and selecting the stability of industrial environment, choosing the technical route suitable for the solution, and analyzing several wired and wireless communication modes suitable for automatic monitoring, the channel characteristics and communication capacity of the system are analyzed. The stability and economy are compared, and the communication mode suitable for small scale and fast networking is selected for this system. At the same time, the advantages and disadvantages of each mainstream database are analyzed, and the use of my SQL database in this system is determined. Secondly, the hardware system is composed of the local network monitoring center, the area monitoring station SS and the spot monitoring unit Su, which is the most widely used three-level confluence structure in the power environment centralized monitoring system at present. The basic principle of various business unit modules such as temperature and humidity, security, fire protection, entrance guard and so on. The FCS field control bus, which is suitable for industrial environment, is selected for the communication between each module and the centralized monitoring host. The software system uses the main configuration software in the field of control engineering, designs the working mode of the system and the flow chart of data processing, and plans the function module of the system. Finally, using the research results of this paper, the power distribution room of a new residential area is reformed to realize the remote monitoring of the electric information of its distribution voltage, current, active power, reactive power, power factor, and temperature and humidity, and at the same time, the temperature and humidity are monitored. The contents of access control, water leakage induction monitoring and video surveillance are integrated into the same system to realize the comprehensive monitoring of power environment, and to reserve and expand functions, to join the second station, and to summarize and analyze the problems in the process of installation and debugging. Accumulated valuable operation experience.


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