本文选题:光伏光热 + iFIX ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The combination of photovoltaic photothermal photovoltaic (PVT) and compound parabolic concentrator (CPC) is combined with the combination of photovoltaic generation and low temperature heat utilization, and the CPC concentrator is used to gather solar light. To overcome the shortage of light intensity, the internal flow channel aluminum plate is bonded on the back of the photovoltaic cell, and the water working medium is used to cool the heat of the photovoltaic cell. In order to effectively coordinate the photovoltaic efficiency and photothermal efficiency, the outlet water temperature of absorbing the heat of photovoltaic cells is stabilized in a relatively high suitable range. In order to ensure high photoelectric output power and comprehensive utilization efficiency, a kind of measuring and controlling system based on iFix configuration software is developed to measure and control the combined solar energy and heat. Using iFix to develop the upper computer software to realize friendly man-machine interaction screen, through the label point real-time display, real-time trend chart display, history trend chart display and save, report form save and view, high and low limit alarm and control signal output, etc. Realize the real-time monitoring of solar energy device. The ADAM5000 series module is used to realize the data exchange between hardware and software, the data acquisition of photovoltaic panel temperature, current and voltage, the automatic adjustment of flow rate and the control of valve position switch, etc. Using CPC two-dimensional intermittent tracking system, CPC automatically tracks solar azimuth and manually adjusts CPC direction through serial communication protocol and programming. According to the data collected in the field, the performance index of the device is analyzed, which provides the basis for the optimization of the operation parameters of the device. The application of the measurement and control system to the concentrated solar energy and heat union device provides a convenient and rapid monitoring method for the popularization and application of the concentrated photovoltaic photothermal technology, which can achieve the purpose of efficient solar energy, electric-thermal combination and industrialization. Achieve good social benefits.
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