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发布时间:2018-07-01 07:43

  本文选题:混合型直流真空断路器 + 真空灭弧室 ; 参考:《中国电机工程学报》2014年33期

【摘要】:混合型直流真空断路器技术是舰船电力系统短路保护的有效方式,其换流参数的优化设计取决于真空灭弧室的分断特性。利用可拆卸真空灭弧室,研究了直径为45 mm的Cu Cr50平板触头在直流3~5 k A,燃弧时间约为50μs,触头开距约0.5 mm的分断过程中,灭弧室电流下降过零变化率di/dt对电弧性能的影响。实验结果表明:di/dtμ90 A/μs时,灭弧室电流过零后继续流通;di/dtμ60 A/μs时,灭弧室电流过零截止,电弧熄灭,可以为介质恢复过程创造近似零电压的恢复条件。实验条件下,经过约50μs的近似零电压恢复过程,真空间隙介电强度恢复到静态耐压水平,击穿电压幅值主要受触头表面状态的影响。实验结果可以用于指导低压混合型直流真空限流断路器的研发。
[Abstract]:The Hybrid DC vacuum circuit breaker is an effective way for the short circuit protection of the ship power system. The optimization design of the converter parameters depends on the split characteristic of the vacuum interrupter. Using a detachable vacuum interrupter, the Cu Cr50 plate contact with a diameter of 45 mm is studied in the DC 3~5 K A, the ignition time is about 50 U S, and the distance of the contact is about 0.5 mm. In the process of interruption, the effect of di/dt on the arc performance in the arc extinguishing chamber decreases. The experimental results show that when di/dt Mu 90 A/ Mu s, the current of the arc extinguishing chamber continues to circulate after zero crossing, and when di/dt Mu 60 A/ Mu s, the current of the arc extinguishing chamber is over zero and the arc is extinguished, which can create an approximate zero voltage recovery condition for the medium recovery process. Under experimental conditions, through the experimental conditions In the approximate zero voltage recovery process of about 50 s, the dielectric strength of the true space gap is restored to the static voltage level, and the amplitude of the breakdown voltage is mainly influenced by the contact surface state. The experimental results can be used to guide the research and development of the low-voltage mixed DC vacuum current limiting circuit breaker.
【作者单位】: 海军工程大学电气工程学院;


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