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发布时间:2018-07-04 21:43

  本文选题:输电线路 + 悬式绝缘子串 ; 参考:《中国电机工程学报》2014年24期

【摘要】:为研究玻璃绝缘子串在鸟粪和鸟巢材料(异物)下落时的放电机制,用铁丝模拟异物进行了试验研究,首先开展了异物临近时间隙放电试验,基于对不同铁丝长度和空间布置时放电电压的测量和放电路径的观察,分析了放电机制。研究表明:当足够长的铁丝临近绝缘子串时,放电过程仅是铁丝上下两端空气间隙的击穿过程;当较短的铁丝临近时,放电过程为空气间隙击穿和绝缘子沿面放电的混合。然后开展了铁丝与金具电极间隙放电试验,基于对不同间隙长度下放电电压的测量,分析了间隙放电特性,研究表明铁丝 金具间隙与典型的棒 棒间隙击穿特性相似,理论计算中取平均击穿电压梯度为4.0 kV/cm。最后建立了实际线路和试验布置的三维有限元模型,研究异物临近对绝缘子串周围电位和电场分布的影响,将仿真计算得到的放电电压与实际试验电压进行对比,验证了试验结果的准确性。放电机制、试验和仿真结果可为输电线路杆塔涉鸟故障风险区域划定提供参考依据。
[Abstract]:In order to study the discharge mechanism of glass insulator string when bird droppings and bird nest materials (foreign bodies) fall, the experiments were carried out using wire to simulate foreign bodies. First, the gap discharge tests were carried out when foreign bodies were near. Based on the measurement of discharge voltage and the observation of discharge path under different wire length and space arrangement, the discharge mechanism is analyzed. The results show that when the wire is long enough near the insulator string, the discharge process is only the breakdown process of the air gap between the upper and lower ends of the wire, and when the short wire approaches, the discharge process is a mixture of the air gap breakdown and the discharge along the insulator surface. Then the gap discharge test of wire and metal electrode is carried out. Based on the measurement of discharge voltage at different gap length, the gap discharge characteristics are analyzed. The results show that the gap between wire and metal tool is similar to that of typical rod and rod gap. In the theoretical calculation, the average breakdown voltage gradient is 4.0 kV / cm ~ (-1). Finally, a three-dimensional finite element model of actual circuit and experimental arrangement is established to study the influence of foreign body proximity on the distribution of electric field and potential around the insulator string. The discharge voltage calculated by simulation is compared with the actual test voltage. The accuracy of the test results is verified. The discharge mechanism, test and simulation results can be used as a reference for delineating the risk area of bird fault in transmission line tower.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学电气工程学院;国网江西省电力科学研究院;
【基金】:国网江西省电力公司科技项目(201150601) 江西省科技计划项目(2011ZBBH80020)~~


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