[Abstract]:In this paper, according to the characteristics of fractional slot concentrated winding permanent magnet synchronous linear motor (FSCW-PMSLM), reasonable assumptions and approximations are taken, and the permanent magnet and winding current are equivalent to the bulk current density distributed according to the actual space position. Ignoring the variation of the magnetic field of the motor in the z axis direction, the two-dimensional hierarchical unified analytical model of the FSCW-PMLSM magnetic field is established, and the Poisson equation or Laplace equation in each layer region is solved by using the separation variable method, and the analytical expression of the magnetic field distribution in each region is derived. Due to the tooth slot effect of fractional slot permanent magnet linear motor running in small air gap, the traditional card coefficient method based on averaging method has low precision in calculating the magnetic field of fractional slot permanent magnet linear motor. It is difficult to meet the needs of engineering application, so the distributed card coefficient (Distributed Carter Coefficient,DSC is proposed to take into account the influence of core-slotted on the magnetic field distribution of fractional slot motor, thus improving the precision of the magnetic field analysis of the motor. Based on the solution of magnetic field, this paper takes a prototype of 16 pole 15 slots as an example, and further analyzes the motor structure parameters such as pole slot matching mode, pole arc coefficient, permanent magnet thickness, air gap length and other motor structure parameters on the motor air-gap magnetic field. The effect of steady-state thrust and other performance is verified by the corresponding finite element simulation. Based on the results of the magnetic field analysis of the motor, the parameters related to the distribution of the thermal field of the motor are calculated, and the temperature field distribution of the prototype is calculated and studied by the finite element method. It provides some basis for the further design and optimization of this kind of motor.
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