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发布时间:2018-09-04 08:49
[Abstract]:(Memristor) was proposed by L.O.Chua in 1971 and successfully developed by HP Labs in 2008. It is the fourth basic circuit component after resistor, capacitance and inductance. The resistor is a nonlinear circuit model defined by electric quantity and magnetic flux. It has many unique complex dynamic characteristics. In this paper, a new type of circuit based on resistor is designed, and its dynamic characteristics are studied. The main work includes: 1) Design and simulation of a new type of memory circuit with uncertain parameters; according to the properties of the resistor, the uncertain parameters are introduced into the circuit model. Based on the new circuit model, the chaotic attractor and Lyapunov exponent spectrum are studied by numerical simulation. Deep Analysis of the influence of uncertain parameters on the key dynamic characteristics of the novel Amplifier. 2) the Design and Simulation of a novel chaotic Generator based on two Amplifier; A Class of two Amplifier based on Circuit Theory A new chaotic generator, The mathematical model is established, and the dynamic behaviors such as phase orbit diagram, Lyapunov exponent and spectrum, equilibrium point set and bifurcation diagram are calculated. A novel chaotic Generator based on multiple Amplifier. (3) Design and Simulation of a novel delay Circuit Model based on two Amplifier; introduce time delay and Design its Circuit Model in the Circuit based on two Amplifier. The delay effect and dynamic characteristics of the new circuit are studied by numerical simulation of Lyapunov exponent spectrum, phase orbit diagram and bifurcation diagram.


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